Last winter I installed billet knobs on the windshield wiper and headlight switches along with the turn signal indicator lever, and 4 way flasher and column gear shift lever on the orange Hornet. The knobs on the wiper & headlight switch always bothered me as they looked to small and did not blend into the flair on the inst. panel. I decided the shift lever knob was the right size and decided to replace the smaller ones with 2 of them. Unfortunately the hole it to big for them to fit so I tried making 2 sleeves out of plexiglass. That turned out to be a dismal and time consuming failure as they broke when I tried to drill them out for the switches shafts. I then plugged up the set screw holes in the new knobs and filled the shaft holes with JB-Weld and baked them over night in my dehydrator to cure the JB-Weld to the max. Today I will try to drill out the JB to the size of the switch shafts and also tap the holes in the JB for the set screws. Everybody thought the knobs on the dash were fine, but to me they were just a little off. You all know what a pain I am about things being just right. "Doc"