I guess you are right Eddie about different parts of the country having
more AMC's. We have two Ford plants located here so as you can imagine Ford
does dominate the car scene around here. Not that you don't find a lot of
other makes. For that matter you can go to the Ford plants parking lots and
you will see a fair share of Chevy's parked there but for the most part we are
a Ford town. We have two very active Mustang clubs here. So when you go to
shows here you see a lot of Fords especially Mustangs here. I go to a lot of
shows with a guy I work with who owns a Mustang. He tells everyone that I have
one of the most popular cars at the show. I must admit the Gremlin does gets
lots of looks. Not because of the shape it is is but just because it is a
Gremlin. I like showing it off and hearing the people stories. I think if I
had any other car I wouldn't be going to the shows after 10 years. I am a
History buff and I love owning a piece of history. I am like you Eddie I
encourage everyone on this list to take their cars to the local cruse no
matter what shape it is in. I can guarantee you people will look at it and
they will have a story to tell you. One of best things I like to do is park my
Gremlin in between two Mustang and watch them get pissed off because people
are looking at my way less than pristine car and ignoring their high dollar
cars. Hey I can't help it if my car is different and a half dozen of their
twin brothers are at the show. I love it. Your right about the Studebaker's
Eddie. They are rare as hens teeth.
I think why it is surprising sometimes (just a guess, a Happy 4th of
July everyone) but guess it is surprising that they might be only AMC there
is some of these areas where the shows go on had a very high volume of sales
of American Motors cars back in 50s/60s/70s. Even 80s. So that means that
theoretically (big ass scrabble word) that more remain in certain parts of
county. For instance two of the highest areas where AMCs were sold in the US
were in York...and Erie, PA. Kansas City is another 'hotbed' as was Houston,
and Chicago, and several areas of NY like Rochester. Milwaukee comes to mind
but that is hometown support.
Granted, there were millions of Mustangs and other things we see now at
meets made, and AMCs were made in smaller numbers regardless of what model.
I mentioned several times here that of something like 5 million
registered vehicles in and around Houston metro (Houston covers almost
10,000 square miles and about 5-6 counties according to Chamber of Commerce)
there are only......about 200 of them registered. That means with tags. So
eliminate my 6-7 and number drops. That don't mean there are only 200 AMC's
here out of 5 million cars, i know guys with over 30 AMCs not registered,
sitting up, or rotting or racecars, or whatever. So not accurate.
Still, it is not uncommon for me to be lone AMCer with Rebel or AMX or
SC/360 or anything AMC in a sea of brand x vehicles at cruise nights in and
around Houston. And yes, same shit, lots of cookie cutter Mustangs, many
cars with exhuast systems or rims worth more than cars, smattering of mini
trucks, or low riders, and yup, usual suspects like Camaros, Firebirds,
Vettes and so forth and even some high dollar rides although I don't
consider Vipers high dollar anymore but still cool. Even a Prowler or two,
come on over here and let me hand you your asshole with my
Again, think of the numbers. When was last time you saw a Studebaker at
old car meet for instance? They built millions of cars until 1966. I don't
even remember the last time I personally saw one at a cruise night or show!
So never take it personally. My suggestion if you have not fallen
asleep from OD of BBQ today is simply do what you are doing! Go out and show
off your AMC to people, as you represent us all AMCers when you go.
Something you might seriously consider is looking on my LINKS section of my
site to see if there are any area AMC or Rambler chapters in your region, or
fellow AMC fans you could get together with and go to these meets or cruises
all together or park together, that is even more impressive and will have
lots of exposure.
Years ago the local club (of whihc i am no longer affiliated with) was
doing the AMC SW Regional and was at the Raddison about 1 1/2 miles from me.
A lasting image I will always recall was the San Antonio Alamo AMC club
pulling in off I-10. They had a convoy of about 10 cars! Ambassador to
Rebel, everyone just stopped what doing, myself included and stared with a
big smile, most impressive!!! My member got so hard a cat could not scratch
it. Eh, ok, ya'll can live without that visual.
Still, go out and enjoy these meets, mixed makes or not. Even when
these cars were new I assure you not a lot of them (copmared to other
vehicles production numbers) were at meets, so difficult to gauge in 2007 20
years after our favorite automaker was lost.
Go to meets. Enjoy your cars. Most of all, Have Fun. Patriotic red,
white and blue photo enclosed.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 7:38
Subject: Re: [BaadAssGremlins] Re:
things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm.............
I don't see why that surprised you. Most of the cruses I go to I am
the only AMC there. I would suspect most of the country is the same. You
have to remember that there have been over 8 million Mustangs built since
they came out in 65. I would guess Camero would be close to that many.
Compare that with our 650,000 Gremlins. Guess what you are going to see.
Then again if you want an old Mustang or any of the classics get yourself
a catalog and you can assemble one out of a book. Try doing that with an
GrublinX@xxxxxxx wrote:
As I suspected, I started some lively conversation with this
thread. Just got back from a vacation in Niagara Falls. While in
Lockport, NY, the wife and I happened upon two large car cruises and
visited both. As is typical, we saw 3 million Camaro's (YAWN), 2
million vintage Mustangs in a variety of colors (REALLY BIG YAWN)
and a sea of Corvettes (DROWN). (I swear the vette owners look
upset when I walk by without even so much as glancing at their car.)
We also saw the usual lineup of off the showroom floor $75,000
and up cars - BIG FREAKING' DEAL.
But what bothered me most was that we saw not one AMC of any kind.
Unbelievable. Made me wish I had the Gremlin and Pacer with me. They
sure would have drawn some attention.

"Cool Factor