Hi Bart, I have some photos here somewhere of it, dark blue, one of two I have in the SC/360 Registry in this color. Don't mean anything when it is painted the way it is! I have also considered cutting the top off it and strengthining the frame/unibody to make a SC/360 roadster. Maybe later right now I do need a top on it with small kids in car! I might have to try a hi torque starter, thing starts great when cool but warm it up it is a bear.Not sure I want to put some 'gayflows' on there as then I might end up watching The View, Bravo, and Lifetime Channel! Might even have to learn how to make quiche! Nah, won't happen.The Holley still has me stumped and might try different configurations to see what works best. I noticed this has a AM intake with AMC Casting # of 3196625 (at least that is what it looks like) for some reason I think (and am probably wrong) that might be a dual plane. And then again if I remove a leaf and hose back there the tired old eyes can read it better.Eddie Stakes'
Planet Houston AMX
eddiestakes@planethoustonamx .com
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8-19 day reply times, just call!----- Original Message -----From: baadass73gremlin@aol.com Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2007 2:01 AMSubject: Re: [BaadAssGremlins] brought the sc/360 out to playEddie,Got any shots of the car when you first got it?And you never told us the history on your SC/Hornet. Those headers flow shitloads better than the factory exhaust manifolds.but I'd get a high torque starter that will solve your hard starting probs,that's what I'm doing to mine as the gayflows will never be bolted back on my gremlin. A Edelbrock carb will suit ya better since you only really cruise your car as Holley's are really only good for racing and are finicky. I have a custom A.E.D built Holley 750 DP on my 360Bart
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