Actually, the light at the end of the tunnel is glowing much brighter
today. I got the results of my tests yesterday. The bone marrow and PET scan
results were both negative. The Oncologist informed me that the PET scan would
only detect a cancer mass if it were at least 2 centimeters in size, so anything
I have is in the earliest stage. To my wife and I, this was fantastic
The CT scan of my neck did reveal the lump he detected, so the doctor
has ordered a biopsy. As soon as the procedure is done I will have a PIC
inserted into my arm for the administration of chemo-therapy. The doctor will
have me undergo three chemo sessions, three weeks apart, for the cancer found
during the routine colon-oscopy. Two weeks after that, I'll have radiation
treatments, five minutes a day for several days.
If everything goes well, I will be cancer free in a couple of months.
Thanks to everybody for the thoughts and prayers.