The reason the decision was made to go with the four bangers was relatively simple. One, AMC was damned near bankrupt, and negotiations had already begun with Renault in 1977. Two, AMC did not have the money to sink into a small four cylinder or two, as they were taking serious financial hits on Pacer and Matador which never saw projected sales goals, so they had no money to invest on this end. There was a huge crippling strike that shut down production for over a month for America's smallest automaker in 1977. There were some serious quality control problems with 1976 thru 1978 AMCs and this was always in the news and of course, even more damaging, word of mouth from customers. If AMC would have used the $40 million that was wasted on Pacer development in 72-74, and put off the big Matador coupe intro in 74, things may, just may, have been different. The country was hit by a gas crisis and big cars were suddenly 'taboo' and 'gas misers' were "IN". Imagine if AMC had a production (even borrowed GM or Audi) 4 banger in 1973/74, their smaller cars, while they were selling well, the Gremlin and Hornet would have been the biggest sellers in company history and they would have had a year long wait for those miser models. People were scared, and tired of waiting in long, hours long, sometimes days long, gas lines. You would have had to been there. I'm not knocking Pacer, nor Matador coupe. But neither were the saviors AMC expected them to be, and this was a reflection of bad management. AMC simply didn't learn the lesson of the Marlin, it was 'damn the torpedos/full steam ahead' I believe the saying goes. And it cost them. Don't believe me. I can give you the financial stockholders reports for just about every year from late 60's up. You don't lie to your stockholders with the figures. And you don't put 'spin' on a gloomy economy, forecast, or calender year production either. These are your investors, and they will be up your ass. It's all Monday Morning Quarterbacking now sadly. And almost 20 years since the demise of our favorite automaker. Speaking of "spin". If you ever have a chance to buy the biggest piece of crap soviet propaganda book ever produced, no, not anything by Mitchell, see if you can ever find "Teaming Up To Be The Best!!" The History Behind The Chrysler/American Motors Merger" 42 pages of toliet paper making it look like this is the best thing that would ever happen to American Motors, their workers, their factories, their shareholders. Instead we ended up with closed factories and a rash of suicides from Kenoshans (some have referred to this as the Kenosha Syndrome) as workers suddenly lost everything; and of course many NOS inventories were bulldozed away to name a few crimes against aMC humanity. And so it goes. I guess Gospel of Bilwin will one day revision this too. Eddie Stakes' Planet Houston AMX