Re: [BaadAssGremlins] Gremlin parts and scooby doo
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Re: [BaadAssGremlins] Gremlin parts and scooby doo

In a message dated 4/21/2004 9:59:26 PM Central Daylight Time, martin-davis@xxxx writes:
And while I am spreadin the good news ........My wife told me
yesterday, We are PREGNANT!!!!!! WOOOOO HOOOO !!!! I'M GONNA BE A
I am not allowed to tell anyone till she is 12weeks though. SHe had
a miscarrage last year 7 weeks along. ......So this is our
secret ...Shhhhhhhhh.
Boy am I excited !!!!!!!
Gotta get the gremlin done soon.
First of all, congrats on the good news.........
Seems like you made out very well on the radiator. It never hurts to kick in a little extra when pleased with someones work. I've done it on more than one occasion. It won't be long now and you'll have the Gremlin running again.

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