Last year I got a parking ticket, the first ticket of any kind since 1986. I went to my local hobby shop in the next town and got a parking spot right in front of the door. Unfortunately for me they had a row of go-Karts chained up in a long line to the parking meters and I was unable to get at the meter to put in my quarter. Along with my other disabilitys I have bad a joint in one hip and both knees and walk with a cane. I was out in 5 min. but had a 25$ parking ticket on the car even though I had a handicaped parking permit sticker on the car. Not that the sticker makes any differece but you would think the person giveing out the tickets would have a little concideration. I could have plead not guilty and probably got off. It was easier for me to just pay the 25$ and be done with it. I am glad it wasen't here in Yonkers where it would have been 75$. But poor Eddie's case is really off the scale of reality. Is his case what they call Texas Justice down there. Like someone said good thing his car didn't have a sorded past that he didn't know about or he might have gotten the death penalty. "Doc"