Re: [Amc-list] little rambler road trip
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Re: [Amc-list] little rambler road trip

" From: Joe Fulton <piper_pa20@xxxxxxxxxxx>
" > From: Tom Jennings <tomj@xxxxxxx>
" > > plus I was 
" > rockin' out to 100 RMS watts of psytrance when I got
" > pulled over by AZ 
" > Highway Patrol for not dimming my lights; the dash HI
" > indicator was out 
" > and I didn't notice on the freeway (no one flashed me).
" > Just got a 
" > warning. The cop liked the car though, esp. when I told him
" > about the 
" > TBI, he said he'd just added modern aftermarket EFI to
" > his Toyota truck. 
" > Saved by being a car geek, got only a written warning, no
" > penalty. Whew!)
" Sometimes you gotta chat 'em up.  I got stopped in Wyoming one time
" while driving my pristine 55 Pontiac ambulance on a camping trip. the
" cop noticed that I had a brake light out but I think he just wanted
" to see the car.  We talked for several minutes and I didn't even get
" a piece of paper.

i had the same experience years ago in my marlin, coming out of boston
on rt 2 at 3 am one summer night after my volunteer job at wgbh radio.
the dash lights were out so i was probably speeding, but the first
thing the cop said was 'i'm not going to give you a ticket'...
Andrew Hay                                  the genius nature
internet rambler                            is to see what all have seen
adh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                       and think what none thought
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