AMC-List Digest, Vol 6, Issue 21
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AMC-List Digest, Vol 6, Issue 21

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Today's Topics:

   1. Surge E Oh (Brien Tourville)
   2. 4.0 Humpster for sale (Widiker, John D)
   3. First drive (jackbarncord@xxxxxxx)
   4. Amc sighting (Widiker, John D)
   5. Re: First drive (Tom Jennings)
   6. Re: AMC-List Digest, Vol 6, Issue 13 (Tom Jennings)
   7. Re: Band adjustment, little aluminum Borg Warner auto
      (Tom Jennings)
   8. Re: Band adjustment, little aluminum Borg Warner  auto
      (Tom Jennings)
   9. Re: Modern Car Rubber Bumper Stripping Question, AMC Related
      (Tom Jennings)
  10. Arg (Mark Price)
  11. Rusty rotors? (Mark Price)
  12. Re: Rusty rotors? (ROSS BLAIR)
  13. Another AMC sighting (John Elle)
  14. Re: Band adjustment, little aluminum Borg Warner   auto
      (Matt Haas)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 09:29:58 -0400
From: "Brien Tourville" <hh7x@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [AMC-List] Surge E Oh
To: mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <44B21E16.6324.20973F@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Marty - asking the obvious - did you drain the
float bowls > ?

Is your Fuel Filter nearest the Carb a Glass See Thru
at 'that angle' to keep the water from entering the Carb ?

Any Water ?

   Brien Tourville
      NEW YORK


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 09:47:37 -0400
From: "Widiker, John D" <john.widiker@xxxxxxx>
Subject: [AMC-List] 4.0 Humpster for sale
To: <amc-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"

I'm selling the 4.0 humpster, managed to window the block pretty well.
It's a 1971 6cyl Javelin that's pretty darn solid. The 4.0 is obviously
toast but it's an engine swap away from working again, it had great
power and mileage with the 4.0. 

I've been working very long hours at the shop and time to put it back
together again when I've got 3 other personal projects going is hard to
come by. 

The AX-15 transmission could use a rebuild (noisy) but works fine. A
fuel cell setup would also be a good idea. It's got manual drum brakes.
Floors (trunk and pass compartment) are almost perfect, dented passenger
front fender, some pass compartment side rocker patching is needed.
Asking $1400.00, will barter for 1970 amx stuff, high perf amc 360 v-8
parts, Pontiac engines/parts or a running 401 engine.



Message: 3
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 14:34:48 +0000
From: jackbarncord@xxxxxxx
Subject: [AMC-List] First drive
To: mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx (AMC List)
Content-Type: text/plain

On Thursday of this past week I waved goodbye as my wife drove off to Chicago.  She met up with her mom & number one daughter and caught a plane to a wedding in Arizona.  She won't be back until Wednesday.  I started working feverishly on all the chores that needed to be done like mowing the grass and so on.  By Sunday morning I was free to work on any project I wanted so off I went to the hawgshed.
In the hawgshed, up on jack stands since late last summer, was my 1970 Hornet two door.  I bought this car for my fiftieth birthday and it hadn?t seen the road for more than a jaunt up and down the quarter mile driveway.  The car has 13,965 actual, verifiable, miles showing on the odometer.  The last time this car was driven was in 1994 and it had all the problems sitting still causes.  The brakes were stuck, the engine wouldn?t run (due more to the effort of the guy I bought it from than anything) the starter was a fresh rebuilt that was installed with the brush cover bolt pinch between the starter and the engine so it was pretty well torn up.  I straightened out the starter problem, tuned up the engine, put the spark plug wires on the cap in the right rotation & order(that always helps), replaced the fuel filter, the PO had changed the oil & filter and the little 232 popped right off.  It runs so smooth that the original plan of swapping it out for a 401 has been scrapped.
I put up on stands last year and pulled the wheels off to find the brakes like new, but the wheel cylinders stuck and full of a mud like substance.  I ran right out and bought all the parts needed to bring things to a smooth stop and then everything stopped.  Winter in the hawgshed is brutal so she got covered up until last Sunday.
With the brakes overhauled, bled as best as one guy can and a set of radials stolen from another project car she finally got back on all four.  After sitting all winter and spring just a few stabs of the foot feed and she came right to life.  Tess, my Brittany, jumped in and we drove out of the hawgshed, into the yard and the shade of a row of pine trees where she got a bath and wax.
The interior of this car, dare I say, is as prefect as the day it rolled off the line.  The dash is soft and supple, the seats are encased in those clear bubble wrap covers of the 70?s and the door panels have just a smug of dirt from some careless mechanic on the white arm rests(probably me).
After the bath and wax job I thought it only proper to take a run to town.  I planned the run out with the first stop being the gas station to fill her up, the second stop was AutoZone for a spare fuel filter, then a ride around town to see if the filter would plug from all those years of storage and finally if she continued to run okay we?d go for a run on the highway.  All went well so we headed for a small burg farther out in the sticks, about a forty-six mile round trip, to visit with some close friends.  About three miles from Loran, the destination, I noted a wisp of something from under the corner of the hood.  I scanned the gage and idiot lights and found the temp gage a bit elevated, but still within reason.  I crested the last hill at 30 mph and started down the other side.  At the bottom I was topping 60 mph with no throttle, gee this car rolls easy.  Around the corner and up into the driveway we went and came to a stop in front of the garage with steam now quite !
ble from the edges of the hood.  I shut her off, hopped out and opened the hood to find the radiator cap hanging on by one cleat.  A closer inspection found that the neck of the radiator was missing part of the flared area that the cap grips.  I suppose this can be repaired by replacing the neck its got to be a standard thing.  So after filling the radiator I screwed the cap on to a point half way between the open position and first notch.  I visited with my friends for an hour and headed home.
I can?t believe the power steering in this car, there is little to no road feel.  It?s like there nothing on the other end at all.  Oh, the air conditioning doesn?t cool, but that?s not really a surprise I would have been shocked if it had.  I have read some chatter on converting to the, what is it, R134A, but I am easily confused and will need to reread the ins and outs.
All things considered I had a great first drive and this morning she is in my parking space here at work.  I should have ridden my motorcycle, cheaper on gas, but I couldn?t resist.
Thanks for listening and happy Rambling.
Jack Barncord
70 Hornet
71 Hornet
70 Javelin
And looking for a 72 sportabout


Message: 4
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 10:59:02 -0400
From: "Widiker, John D" <john.widiker@xxxxxxx>
Subject: [AMC-List] Amc sighting
To: <amc-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"

On the way into work today I saw what I thought was a yellow 1970 AMX,
as he turned toward me and accelerated I already had my arm out the
window waving and giving him a thumbs up. Turns out it wasn't what I
thought it was, it was a later hornet with the 1970 scoop grafted on,
very cool looking car! Hope I see it again so I can take a closer look. 



Message: 5
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 09:40:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tom Jennings <tomj@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [AMC-List] First drive
To: amc-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.64.0607100938590.21895@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Contrats on the joyride! I know you've been chomping at the
bit with this one!

Are U gonna post any pictures?


Message: 6
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 09:43:05 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tom Jennings <tomj@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [AMC-List] AMC-List Digest, Vol 6, Issue 13
To: amc-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.64.0607100940500.21895@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, Michael Bailey wrote:

> After a camping trip to Sycamore Canyon,  my best
> friend and I were caught during a crossing of the
> Verde River by a wall of water about 3 feet high
> washing into the little car and pushing it sideways
> almost off of the crossing.  Flash flood!  

Wow, I didn't know Gremlins can swim!!


Message: 7
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 09:47:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tom Jennings <tomj@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [AMC-List] Band adjustment, little aluminum Borg Warner
To: amc-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.64.0607100943160.21895@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, Jock J Jocewicz wrote:

>   You sure do bring back some old memories! When I lived in San Jose and
> Santa Clara in the 70's, Len's AMC Auto Wreckers in San Jose was one of
> the sponsors of the "Were Gone" 69 SC/Rambler that I raced and Stacks got
> plenty of my business. From what I have heard, both are no longer in
> business.

I used to go down to Len's often. Friendly guy. I lived in
San Francisco; I think I first went down there in 1985 or 86,
I think he was winding down the yard even then. (I'm sure you
recall, it was an old-fashioned yard, car juices drained right
into the soil, I recall him saying city, county or state wanted
him to stop...) I think he sold all the Jeep stuff to some other
yard. It was definitely dying off when I bougt my Classic wagon
from him.

I had heard of Ed Stack from who knows where, finally got up
there right as he was closing too (cause? or effect?). Huge
barn of new AMC/Rambler stuff, not seen anything like it before
or since. I always wondered what happened to all that amzing
collection of parts.

Do you have any idea?


Message: 8
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 09:51:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tom Jennings <tomj@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [AMC-List] Band adjustment, little aluminum Borg Warner
To: amc-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.64.0607100947400.21895@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Sat, 8 Jul 2006, Matt Haas wrote:

> I'd call the 199 and auto combination in my American wagon barely adequate 
> until you get over 60 mph and then it's okay. My sedan has a 232 and 3 
> speed and is much more pleasant to drive.

Mine too. It's sort of counter-intuitive, but at highway speeds
my classic does just fine. Getting up to 60 in LA freeway traffic
is not that much fun, I feel like farmer John in a tractor,
with a big orange triangle on back.

But at 60 - 70 mph it doesn't seem to be working hard, very
smooth, (rubber isolated crossmember!). Clearly not an accident,
just the way the factory designed it.

I can imagine the manual trans would give it just a bit more
drivetrain looseness at speed though.


Message: 9
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 09:53:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tom Jennings <tomj@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [AMC-List] Modern Car Rubber Bumper Stripping Question,
	AMC Related
To: amc-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.64.0607100951240.21895@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Sun, 9 Jul 2006, Mr. AMC wrote:

> I am doing 1/3 of the flair at a time. I now notice
> when I get down to the almost bare rubber/plastic the flair curls up and
> warps slightly. But once the excess paint and stripper is removed and is
> neutralized and the flair sits over night it returns to it's original
> shape. 

It's probably the solvents swelling the plastic, softening it,
and allowing the non-softened sections to push the softer ones
into a new shape; it returns to orig. shape as the solvents
leave. Like a paper photograph curling/uncurling in humidity.


Message: 10
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 10:13:19 -0700
From: Mark Price <markprice242@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [AMC-List] Arg
To: mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <6832824.1152551600010.JavaMail.root@web15>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Well, don't you just love it when you find that certain something on eBay and do everything in your power to make sure that it all goes thru and then you have to sit and wonder when or if you will get what you paid for????
   I'm still waiting for shipping confirmation on the T-5 I supposedly bought on June 30th. The guy told me last Wednesday he was out of town for the 4th and would ship it Thursday morning and provide tracking info. So I figured to give him a few days, Now on Monday I'm still waiting for either tracking info or at least some excuse for why it is being delayed.
  I'm sure others have been in this spot. You wonder, hmm, did I just get ripped off? Is the guy just slow? Did he injure his typing finger? Is he dead and no one else knows he does business on eBay?
   Geez, just a little communication would go a long way! I can live with delays and am in no hurry, but no info makes you wonder!
   Anyway, two nights off in a row, I'm hoping to progress a little more on the Ambo. I should be working on the other vehicles, but I'm tired of doing that. I need a little quality time with my Ramblers!
Mark Price
Morgantown, WV


Message: 11
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 10:32:35 -0700
From: Mark Price <markprice242@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [AMC-List] Rusty rotors?
To: mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <18849575.1152552755035.JavaMail.root@web15>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

I am sitting here thinking is there anything that can safely be sprayed on a brake rotor to  stop it from rusting while a vehicle is in non-use?
 I'm talking parked for a few weeks to a month, but not in long term storage.
Something that could be sprayed thru the wheels and behind to slow the rust down, but it would need to be self cleaning. 
  I know, dream on, but our Jeep can sometimes sit for weeks at a time and the rotors have rusted in till we've lost a good third of the braking power and it vibrates, not from warped rotors, but from rust. We've been using it regularly, but the rust is heavy enough it's not cleaning off and I expect to be replacing rotors and pads soon.
  I'm also planning on swapping mid nineties Grand Cherokee rear discs on it at the same time, although I can't decide if that is a good idea with the rust issues.
  Right now, the brakes just plain suck on it and I need to get it fixed! The reason for the rear disc swap is I've heard nothing but good reports on this and I've never been impressed with XJ braking! I'm looking for a little more whoa!
Even when the brakes have been good on the XJ's I've owned they never seemed up to par. I can always remembr that feeling of doom, if you don't hit the clutch when you hit the brake pedal as it seems the torque of the 4.0L is better then the clamping force of the XJ brakes! I'd like to be able to stall the engine in a panic stop without hitting someones rear bumper to do it!
Mark Price
Morgantown, WV


Message: 12
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 03:40:10 +0500
From: "ROSS BLAIR" <bigbad69@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [AMC-List] Rusty rotors?
To: amc-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <20060710224010.84B4D1CE304@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Why are they getting so rusty? Is the humidity in WV that high, or are you parked on dirt or gravel. If moisture is coming up from the ground, you could put down some plastic under the front wheels as a vapour barrier. That trick works well for winter storage here, even on cement in a garage. If it's high humdity that's the problem, how about spraying the rotors with WD-40? You would have to clean them with brake cleaner before driving the Jeep again and probably have to remove the wheels to do a proper job. ( or move to Arizona :) ) 

Play 100s of games for FREE!


Message: 13
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 16:11:39 -0700
From: "John Elle" <johnelle@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [AMC-List] Another AMC sighting
To: mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <000001c6a476$36fb8fb0$e2dd0d82@john1>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"

I just returned from running a delivery route. It is a way to get around
the city and get paid for spotting project cars sitting around. Today's
visions were a '74 Hornet Hatchback with plates on it good through 2007
sitting under cover at a senior citizens home. I have seen this car on
the road about 2 months ago driven by the proverbial little old lady
peering between the top of the steering wheel and the dash board.  Also
there is a Spirit sitting in a car port that looks as if it has not
moved for months and an sx4 sitting in a front yard. There are others
too but as one would expect they reflect other manufacturers' products.
A comment for Mark, sorry about the rust. I don't miss it, out here that
'74 Hornet still has factory colors on the undercarriage. 


Message: 14
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 19:21:20 -0400
From: Matt Haas <mhaas@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [AMC-List] Band adjustment, little aluminum Borg Warner
To: amc-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

At 09:51 AM 7/10/2006 -0700, you wrote:
>On Sat, 8 Jul 2006, Matt Haas wrote:
> > I'd call the 199 and auto combination in my American wagon barely adequate
> > until you get over 60 mph and then it's okay. My sedan has a 232 and 3
> > speed and is much more pleasant to drive.
>Mine too. It's sort of counter-intuitive, but at highway speeds
>my classic does just fine. Getting up to 60 in LA freeway traffic
>is not that much fun, I feel like farmer John in a tractor,
>with a big orange triangle on back.
>But at 60 - 70 mph it doesn't seem to be working hard, very
>smooth, (rubber isolated crossmember!). Clearly not an accident,
>just the way the factory designed it.

I will have to say this for the car however, it gets a bunch better gas 
mileage than I expected. I managed 22.3 mpg with it last weekend (this is 
about 4mpg less than I get with my 232 and 3 speed in the other American) 
driving around 70 mph. My previous longish trip averaged just shy of 16. 
It's amazing what a good tune-up can do for fuel mileage.


Cincinnati, OH
1967 Rambler American wagon
1968 Rambler American sedan
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End of AMC-List Digest, Vol 6, Issue 21

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