Take it out. If you are worried about the seats towels, seat cushions, and t-shirts make good temporary seat covers. You need to have a little tough skin, while it doesn't happen as often as it use too some jerks will laugh at it. Don't worry about it most will love it. Like a guy told me at a car show just the fact it is a Gremlin makes it special it doesn't have to perfect like a lot of the cars. Take it out have fun.Terry
juglin <juglin4@hotmail.com> wrote:Thanks to Charlie and Eddie for the encouragement. I just bought a
74 Gremlin. I has a ripped front seat, missing radio, and some paint
chips. No scratches, no dents and is the original color, hub caps. I
was hesitant to take it to a cruise night or show of any kind in the
condition it is in. However, after reading the cometns here I'm
going to go for it. I thought I should not show it until I get the
seat fixed at least. But now I'm going to cruise the summer away.
Iv'e been going to cruise nights to check out hte cars for the past
several years, even sponsored my own this past spring and wil ldo so
again next year. In all the time at all the cruises, I have never
seen another Gremlin. I have only seen a hand full of AMC's. SO I'm
going to take my car out and about and see what people think of it,
as is. In time things wil get fixed and it will look better, but I'm
going out and show people just how cool a Gremlin was and still is.
Everyone who I talk to about buying this car kind of laughs but it
is a good laugh with a story to tell and how they remember Gremlins.
When I went to register for plates all 3 of the workers there were
excited to hear about my car. I told them all it would be in the
show in town in Spet. but I'm not going to wait. Im goin gto get it
out well before Sept. and yes it will be in the show in my home town
this Sept. Thanks again for the encouragement.
Also as I mentioned Ihave not see many Gremlins in the area. If
anyone has a Gremlin and is around the Joliet area of Il let me
know. It would be great to meet other Gremlin people from near by to
cruise with.
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