Been "down-timed" rather than "down-sized"... :( still Carlisle'ing Satu
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Been "down-timed" rather than "down-sized"... :( still Carlisle'ing Saturday

 Well, due to our fine Federal Gov't not
appropriating and distributing a budget for next year
to it's agencies, my company is being forced to time
cutbacks, rather than layoffs, to save money, so for
the next 6 weeks, I'll have one extra day off ( and
$150 less ) each week. Ouch. Time off good, money loss
BAD. Oh well, I guess better than the alternative than
having to decide who stays, goes, then retraining new
people when things DO pick up again. It could be
I'm still going to Carlisle though, to break in two
AMC guys into the wonders of auto flea shopping. :)
They've never been before ( to the auto flea, anyway
), and should be like kids in a candy store. Hope to
find something worthwhile up there ( do I NOT every
time? I try to limit my carry money to $200, and it
usually goes before the end of the day ). I can find
something to spend money on there. :) I don't go to
just window-shop! If anyone else is going on Saturday,
and wants to hook up around noon-time at the
grandstands, let me know. 

Jerry Casper

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