If anyone is looking for Trendsetter side exhausts covers, you can purchace them directly from the manufacturer at www.trendsetterproducts.com ask for Larry, save some money deal directly with them. As for the end caps, The Mix is correct, Jerry over at APP in FL reproduced those end caps in fiberglass www.amclives.com for info. And if you are looking for the exhaust system for these, I would recommend Jim Fortin at Talermade on my website's Vendors List. Lastly, if you want a copy of original detailed instruction sheets from the 'original' companey, go to my website then click on 'parts' then simply click on 'trendsetter instructions' and print them on your computer as it is illustrated and will be very helpful should you decide to go with those pipes. Good luck, Eddie Stakes' Planet Houston aMX www.planethoustonamx.com