Re: [AMC-list] chinese amc emblems, jeeps, muscle cars oh my
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Re: [AMC-list] chinese amc emblems, jeeps, muscle cars oh my

Hey Tom, not racist at all, and years ago (giving away age again) many 'old timers' remember when 'Made In Japan' meant tinnie, cheap stuff. Fast forward and as you mention below, tons of the electronics made are well, Made In Japan, and some seriously good stuff. At one sports bar I ran here, we had Toshiba televisions made in 1980s, these things took extreme abuse. Turned on 11:00am, turned off 2:00am, so 15 hour days, 7 days week, no problem. When I left that place in 2001, guess what, 40 of those tvs STILL were working fine!

A case could be made for cheap American crap also, like some modern automobiles. But I am focusing on the cheap AMC emblems and other things for our AMC cars that usually do not require much is just that they can do it over there for pennies on dollar, even though the Chinese will not adjust their currency to world markets or demands by different governments to do so. Not microprocessors, but emblems, and Made In China, for better or worse, still means Made In China.

Standard, or whatever parts maker, is not purposely choosing substandard parts on purpose, they are looking to make money! Years ago this stuff was made by Americans. Then Japanese, then Mexicans and Peruvians, now Chinese or Malaysians.......sort of the hunter goes to where the game is and if it costs $1 to make one in US, and $1 to make 100 of them in China, then it is not hard math to see where less overhead, most profit is!

As for Wal Mart, I think even the American flags they sell there are Chinese.

You are correct, on the 'this didn't cost enough!' and I have used that at buffets though, not for sneakers, but see your point.....and yes, there is waste being dumped in some river, many cities all the residents will have to wear pollution masks (didn't we just see that at Olympics over there), some will eat mercury, sure, but not much is ever talked about that, people (no matter where in world) seem content to only get whatever it is the cheapest, and few.....ever look past that.

None of us are rich, maybe some of the Vette people are here, but they have noticed that Craftsman Tools now hencho en china also:

Craftsmans. Years ago, Snap On Tools were made up in Kenosha area, not sure where made now. If I want Chinese tools to work, or strip out on my cars, will go proudly to dollar store and buy them.

You are correct, there is little manufacturing here in US sadly. And a lot of those jobs might not ever come back to these shores. There are something like 8 million + people out of work that would love to work, even in manufacturing here in US, in 2010, but the 'powers that be' would rather send the job off to a foreign land where it costs cents to make something, as opposed to having it made here with benefits, paid sick leaves, maternity, and other add ons! Because not competitive?

There is bigger problems that many people are wasteful, might be a sad commentary on society in general there. A lot of people wish to do right thing and buy American, others recycle. Yet computers, cell phones, televisions, you name it, even whole cars, it is cheaper to replace than repair as I mentioned earlier. And not a lot American made stuff except burgers and tacos.

Personally I would rather buy a good, used set of Craftsman tools at swap meet as opposed to the cheap Chinese crap Craftsman stuff Sears now sells however. Just a personal choice. Maybe one day those will come up to standard. As for the Chinese emblems, would rather do without than slap a trinket on my American made machine. For what worth.....the original emblems were made by Canada eh. Better emblems, better quality, 40 years from now we can argue about how the Chinese ones lasts one show season while the originals made in Canada are now 80 years old in 2050 I guess :~P

PS: if anyone wants a Made In America "Proud To Be A American" AMC decal, probably made by some overpaid UAW worker years ago, still have a big roll of them left, $3.50 each:
free shipping on it in US, and $1 to Canada, $3 overseas. Will ship to China too!
Eddie Stakes

I hate to rain on this racist parade but --
The Chinese make all sorts of stuff, from mud-primitive garbage to top-notch
aerospace, medical and electronic gear. US manufacturing is now about 10% of
the economy; but in the 70's it was only 20%. US stuff has been made
overseas for decades.

Probably every piece of electronics you own is Chinese made. Their
electronic tech is exquisitely good -- cutting edge foundries and processes
and quality. Nothing requires more interlocking skilled industry than that

The crap we get is because AMERICAN BUSINESSES are SPECIFYING that parts be
"good enough" and COST. Of course the Chinese will gladly make it for them.
The old days are over and AMERICANS did this.

I mean seriously, does anyone think that Standard, or whatever parts maker,
is not CHOOSING junk parts to sell you ON PURPOSE? It's not like the Chinese
are blackmailing anyone --

-- Americans like us kept demanding "lower cost" without stopping to think
that the bottom might fall out of quality!

Blame WALMART for that mentality. I've never bought anything from them and
never will.

I now regularly use a phrase I never even thought of before -- "This didn't
cost enough!" Seriously, when you pay $5 for a new pair sneakers,
something's wrong. Someone is not getting paid, some waste is getting dumped
in a river, etc.

I'm hardly rich. I work 60% hours due to cutbacks. But I like to buy a tool
ONCE and have it last, not a shiny one in a package every year. And I won't
willingly buy crap that gaurentees some worker is not getting paid -- and
yes the Chinese environment allows for ruinous explloitation of people and
their environment that we can't do here.

The chinese government is largely horrible to me, I'll grant that they have
problems to solve we can't even imagine but there's not excuse for it's

But please, distinguish between Chinese PEOPLE and GOVERNMENT, at least. If
racist crap becomes tolerable on this list I'm out of here.

"Buy American" is a joke because there's little manufacturing here, and the
reality is now, for better and worse, that the world is an interlocking
place of many cultures.

Flame on -- I'm done.

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