[Amc-list] Next issue of AMC - In the mail Monday!!
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[Amc-list] Next issue of AMC - In the mail Monday!!

I FINALLY got this issue finished! I wanted to get it out by the 15th, 
but I'm happy with the 17th! For readers with the electronic edition 
I'll send it out Monday afternoon.

The main feature in this issue isn't based on an AMC, but I don't think 
anyone will mind! I have been talking with a fellow about remote mount 
turbos and he gave me permission to print a lot of tech info and photos 
of his installation on a Chevy Cavalier with a small V-6. I hope someone 
will apply it to an AMC -- his setup would be perfect for a six (and I'm 
tempted! Hmmm.... turbo J-10???). It's the best photos and write-up I've 
seen on the subject. He's running 5-10 psi with no problems. From my 
research I've found out that much over 12 psi is hard to get with a 
remote mount, at least one all the way back where the muffler used to 
be. STS (www.ststurbo.com) claims they can get as much as 15-16 psi, but 
don't say anything about how they get it, of course. Maybe if the 
exhaust pipe is insulated? Wouldn't be hard to cobble up a double wall 
pipe for straight runs, but over the axle would be tough! Could just be 
the exact size turbo, but you can easily start running into other 

Frank Swygert
Publisher, "American Motors Cars" 
Magazine (AMC)
For all AMC enthusiasts
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