[Amc-list] Hydrogen Fuels - 'it'll never happen' - con't
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[Amc-list] Hydrogen Fuels - 'it'll never happen' - con't

"...nobody said nuthin ahbout takin non no TIGERs baby.....!"~oddball

Message: 9
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 17:42:22 +0000
From: Wrambler242@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Amc-list] Jay Leno To Test BMW's Hydrogen 7

"Cool , but hydrogen is not the answer. 
It takes more energy to create it then it produces.

 Smarter people then me have done the math and the tests.
The only way to "win" is to create it with nuclear power, 
and....."-truncated message-


Kind of a bimmer....

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Bruce Hevner" <scramblr@xxxxxxxxxxx>

> > http://stage.babcoxemedia.com/News925.htm


The latest reason from Wall St. as to why the price
of crude has gone up ?  

The Forex Market - the value of the Dollar being at an all time low
and that the Saud's are paid in Dollars - so they want
more since the Dollar is worth less.

For those of you who switched to Euro holdings when Euros came
into being, Congratulations!

'Fuel Crisis - we will bury it or it will bury us'

The Nation has had enough of Imported Fuels.

Nuclear Plants are going to be what Powers Americas Future -
Tree luggers be damned.

The Nation is going to embrace this 'in Blind Faith' -
rather than debate the issue.

The world has debated Nuclear - the Europeans are paying
Four Dollars a Gallon for Petrol - consumer spending
has taken a nose dive here Stateside.

How will our Nation face the Nuclear Option  ?

It will be done 'Ostrich Style'.

The German Government embraced Nuclear Power quietly early on,
planning that once the Technological 'Super Weapons' were ready -
they would Advance their Economy using 'Free Energy' for Manufacturing,
'Ein Volk ~ Ein Reich'.

'Hydrogen powered BMW's - blazing torches against a blackness's night 
sky on the Russian Steppes.....
- A Glorious Victory' -

The 'Nordic' countries - some have Geo Thermal that can power Turbines
to generate the necessary electric for Hydrogen Generation - some already
have these up and operating.

Remember those cartoon strips from yesterday - 'Green Blob like' mutant
societies existing post Nuclear Exposure ? 

'Leave it to Beaver' type families of  singularly
recognizable  body parts  ? -  a large  'Eye'  connected to  it's feet  via
an oozing cord -  as 'June Cleaver' ....?

"Golly Beave, Mom looks really Swell in that Straw Hat....."

"Yeah Wally..... I know...... Just wish she wouldn't leave that slimy stuff
on the floor everywhere she goes.......... kinda smells like Eddie........"



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