I did something like this in 2001 after Houston was pummeled with tropical storm Allison which ended up being the costliest tropical storm in US history, flooding over 10,000 square miles, and $5.5 BILLION dollar of damage in Houston area. The special then was for leftover AMC AMO National tshirts, as Allison hit us a MONTH before the meet. (We still had 149 cars officially, abut 200 unofficially, the host hotel was not flooded.) It worked out good on the special of the shirts and ended up donating about $1000 to the Red Cross in Houston overall! Thanks if you got one, they are collectors items now, go sell it for 2X price on ebay if you put 'vintage' in front of it.
We have a LOT of friends 4 1/2 hours east of us in Louisiana, and hope to help them out, as this is far more devastating than Allison was, which was a flooding event, this was a wind, tidal and flooding event.
So decided to do another special, of which proceeds will benefit the Red Cross, one of my favorite organizations, as our family has depended on them since the 1960s here in Texas, Corpus Christi to be exact, where we went thru numerous hurricanes which wiped out both of our houses, and we lost about a dozen cars, numerous pets, clothes, but the Red cross was always there for us, so just one of my personal favorite organizations. They do good work. This is just a small drop in the bucket of what is needed, but Paige & me figured any help is good help.
I will leave this site up on my website thru the end of the year, not that it will alleviate the pain and suffering of those affected in the Gulf coast by then. Hopefully some of you will take me up on this offer, of which 100% of the proceeds will benefit the Red Cross. I also have a link to Salvation Army here, as they also do great work. Your charity may be different, but every bit counts, whether money, clothes, blood, it is all needed.
Click here for the special: www.planethoustonamx.com
And if you can, please give to the charity of your choice to help. Eddie Stakes