<snip> I don't know what to say, I am frustrated, upset and mad at the same time. After calling the upholstery shop on and off for the last 8 weeks I still can't get even one of my Hornets bucket sets done. Today's reply to may call was "vee ave zee Porsche und Mercades dealers to take care of first, call back again. What is my money not green enough!!!!! <snip> Doc, It's probably not much consolatation, but I've been there myself. It took from March to May of the next year to get my seats recovered. Like your shop, this one did mostly repairs for car dealers. It's not that your money isn't good enough, the dealer's money is more regular. When they have a job, they want it done now. Since they're the bread and butter customer you get pushed back. In my case, it also didn't help that he underestimated the job, so he wasn't too motivated to pass up good paying work to do my job. I finally convinced him it was the last thing left to finish the car (a total lie) and he finished the job. He did good work and I didn't need the seats done quickly, so I was happy with the job. If you can't get the job done locally, you may have to go out of town as Jonathon suggested. Ross Blair 69 BBO Javelin 390 Ottawa, Ont. -- ___________________________________________________________ Sign-up for Ads Free at Mail.com http://promo.mail.com/adsfreejump.htm