Re: [Amc-list] breaks - then - 'RUST' -
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Re: [Amc-list] breaks - then - 'RUST' -

> Message: 8
> Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 08:28:08 -0700
> From: "Jim Blair" <carnuck@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [Amc-list] FWD: 2wd AX-15 for sale in N. VA
> To: amc-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Message-ID: <BAY114-F10CD5222F37ABB2005D16AAC3E0@xxxxxxx>
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
> From: KLuebs@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: xj: 2wd AX15 tranny for sale
> All,
> I ended up with an extra 2 wd ax 15 out of a '96 XJ with 55,000
> miles on
> it.  I bought it to put into my sisters Cherokee, but then she
> sold
> it...Anyone need one of these.  I bought it on ebay and paid a
> lot for
> shipping...  I'm in Northern Virginia.
> Thanks,
> - --Kurt
Saw one on for $213.00 - the JEEP guys use them for parts.

One was on NAXJA.ORG - nice shape - couldn't give it away for $100.00.

The '97 - '99 2wd AX15 is the one to look for - High Output version - 
larger input shaft
with other improvements.

This would be *sweet* behind a 360 set up for crusin' in a light car!

> ------------------------------
> Rust ?  Check this out - set the lawn sprinkler to run all night 'n 'PRESTO' - rust free car:

> ------------------------------
> Message: 12
> Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 16:54:20 +0000
> From: Wrambler242@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Amc-list] breaks
> To: "AMC/Rambler owners, drivers and fans." <amc-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Message-ID:
> 	<051420071654.12707.4648943C000A652F000031A32215567074CDCBCD0A0C079D9F059D0E03@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Once you kill the rust good, You can use eastwoods rust encapsulater on the bare surface.
> Get the red, it's basically the same stuff as Bridge paint! Brush it on, two coats, let it dry good between coats, follow directions. You can then sand it off till you get it smooth. If you have pits left over you can recoat with eastwood till they are filled. Then topcoat it with a DP90 type satin black and it will just look like a faded old car!!! If that's the look your after.
>  You can also use two quarts of the encapsulater, I'd stilluse the red first as it is the original formula, then topcoat with the black scuff it off to kill any brush marks, buff it with the steel wool for that old time look...  If after a year or too, you get a few rustspots pop thru, you can touch it up easily and rescuff and buff. the encapsulater is fairly self leveling stuff. I used it on two rust spots under my dakota, pressure washed the loose rust off, blew them dry with an air hose and brushed the encapsulater on. A year later the encapsulater is still holding fine and it is in a high chip area!  Lots of salt hit these areas this past winter too. The dakota is red and the red encapsulater is almost invisisble due to its red color. Looking closs it looks like old school red oxide primer.
>   I drove a gray primered smallblock Ford mavericak all thru high school and when it started to look crappy I'd steel wool it or shoot some fresh high build promer on it and start over.
> --
> Mark Price
> Morgantown, WV
> 1969 AMC Rambler, 4.0L, EFI, T-5
>  -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From: Tom Jennings <tomj@xxxxxxx>
>> The roof is pretty rusty. I got some "rust dissolver" and
>> rust coat paint from Eastwood. I'll disc-sand the crud off,
>> but it will always be pitted. I'll absolutely stop the rust
>> though and get it coated with something paintable. It won't
>> look shiny but degradation will stop.
> End of Amc-list Digest, Vol 5, Issue 34
> ***************************************

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