I wasnt banned from the AMC forum in "theory" Ha Ha, its actually kinda funny that banfran thinks he is banning people from the forum LOL!!! I have 2 different ID's that I post under over there and have been doing it for a year now LOL!! In any case the www.bulltear.com forum would be a nice model for a new AMX files platform, it is the most organized well thought out AMC forum on the net (so far), AMC forum is "good" but seems outdated by comparison, and a VERY VERY small % of the members actually "post", seems that most just lurk and read, or are hesitant to post anything for "some reason". I know that if they found out the 2 ID's I was posting under that I'd be blocked again, thats just how sophmoric they are, but I talk to a few of the more knowladgeable people over there through my aliases so what they don't know can't hurt them. AMX files in a message board platform would be killer and would have MANY MANY members that post! Funny thing is that I am learning that t! he internet is only a very small part of the AMC hobby, I am finding more and more enthusiasts of AMX locally at shows and such that have been in the hobby for years. The internet is onoly scratching the surface there are thousands of AMC enthusiasts across the country and more message boards will only help get the long time hobbyists to their keyboards! I actually do like the idea of a email only platform as well, kinda exclusive! typhoon343 ============================================================= Posted by wixList Archiver -- http://www.amxfiles.com/wixlist .