Re: swing outs - Comments from a new Gremlin Time Member
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Re: swing outs - Comments from a new Gremlin Time Member


Oh man! did you ever hit the nail on the head. 

The first car show I took my Gremlin to this year, I parked it then 
sat across from the car insead of behind it as always. This way I 
could hear the comments people were making and they didn't know it 
was my car...unless the dorks didn't notice the big Gremlin on the 
front of my T-shirt. Anyway, most people would walk by it and not 
say a word. Some would look at it and kind of giggle, others did like 
it. There was this one jerk in particular who was there with his 
daughter propogating the AMC myths to her. She asked what kind of car 
it was and who made it. This ass told her it was a Gremlin that was 
made by American Motors who made all kinds of stupid looking junky 
cars. He was my 'Dork of the Day' award winner. I started to get up 
when my wife pulled me back down and said to chill. I wasn't going to 
do anything to him, I just wanted to know which car at the show was 
his (I'm sure he was a specatator with a Pontiac Aztek) and find out 
what he really knew about the car and AMC. I was a bit pissed though. 
After about half an afternoon of this garbage, I packed up and left 
before it was over. People are just not ready to accept the Gremlin 
as a 'collector' car. I'm not sure they ever will. I drive mine 
because I enjoy it and like the unique style of the car. I guess 
this guy and the multituldes like him have never really looked at 
some of the style of cars coming out of the orient. Hondas, Hundai's 
etc... they've all made hatchback styles that could be small twins to 
the Gremlin yet they don't bad mouth those cars like they still do 
the Gremlin. To me it just goes to show that the Gremlin's style was 
about 20 years ahead of its time and still might be. Once again, AMC 
was too far advanced for people to handle... even the Eagle was about 
10 years too early before the SUV kick really took hold. I'm tempted 
to get a personal plate for my Eagle that says '1st SUV' if the reg 
fees in this stupid state don't double in Oct like they say they well 
to fixed our FUBAR'd state budget.

In this case the 'jerk sorter outer' worked all day long. I don't 
care. It does not shake my enjoyment of driving a car that is totally 
different than the run of the mill bellybutton car. I've never been 
one to go along with the crowd - I always do what I want to do not 
what happens to be popular at the time. 

Keep on Grem'in!

--- In gremlintime@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, ecurbpope@xxxx wrote:
> Kevin,
> I agree with you. I have been telling "nae sayers" for years the 
time of the 
> Gremlin is going to happen someday. The cars are incredibly strong 
and yes 
> they are cool. Its just "trendy" to jump on the idiot band wagon to 
knock them. 
> Especially if the person hops into a Pontiac Aztek afterword.
> I also think the disdane for Gremlins is what makes it a "in your 
face" car. 
> I have been amazed at the gall some people have when they hear you 
have a 
> Gremlin and scoff. It is a "Lemming" reaction if you ask me. I also 
tend to judge 
> them as people who can only drive cars that are "acceptable" to 
other people. 
> Sounds to me like they never got a handle on the peer pressure 
aspect of life. 
> The advantage to owning a Gremlin is its like owning a "personality 
> detecter." If people walk up to it an treat you with respect its a 
pretty good 
> indication they have their heads "screwed on " correctly. If they 
sidestep social 
> courtesy and start to insult your choice in life, it usually means 
your dealing 
> with a person who is a jerk. Its nice to have a machine that helps 
you sort out 
> the good people from the jerks, and its all done automatically. You 
can stand 
> next to it and it just happens by itself! You don't have to plug it 
in or 
> recharge it and there is no limit to how many people it sorts out. 
What a 
> marvelous machine. A jerk "sorter outer." And we thought they were 
just cars!!!!!!
> Thanks and have a nice one.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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