Good auction haul...Nash, Jeffreys Rambler pictures...
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Good auction haul...Nash, Jeffreys Rambler pictures...

 I went to my favorite auction last night, which spans items from 
yard-sale junk to fine antiques. For only $67, I filled up the back of my 
Toyota truck and the cab, too! Got a PILE of old '50's Post magazines, some 
Lionel train cars, track, and transformers, a couple sets of pictures 
including a '50's bathtub Nash car ad and a set of felt? art pictures of cars 
from the teens, including a Jeffreys 1902 Rambler, about 5x7". I can't wait 
to thumb thru the old Post mags, they're FULL of old car ads, and they are in 
fine condition, not yellowed or torn up. They do have that " old paper" smell 
to them, but other than that, I'm pleased with them, as I've seen them in 
antique shops from $5-20 each! And I got about 50 of them for $5. I also 
bought a complete Coke dispensing set-up ( modern self-serve type at 
fast-food restaurant style ) for $1 !! Hope I can make some money off of that 
one to someone who wants it. :) Other $1 deals included two small file 
cabinets, a kids bike, boat gas tank, static film projector w/tape player 
function, 2 boxes of books, etc. My "expensive" acquisition was an old school 
overhead projector, $20, as I REALLY wanted one, and had another bidder who 
also wanted it badly. I intend to make a Gremlin guy transparency, and 
"project" it onto my garage door, then proceed to paint the Gremlin onto the 
door, so I can follow the pattern. :) I heard a guy used an OP to make a 
template to paint his old truck with a special flame pattern, he'd had a 
wreck, so one side was repainted, he took pics of the other side, reversed 
it, made a transparency, then projected it onto the side of the repaired 
truck, and taped it off to repaint. Slick, huh? So, I don't think this thing 
will go to waste, if I can get the Gremlin on the garage door, it'll be worth 
it. :) Just another project...Well, that's my Auction Preport, I'll be 
hunting down Coke glasses from the Dollar Tree stores today...and looking for 
a job, still. AMC ya'll,

Woodbridge, VA
Good thing I cleaned out the garage, I got MORE stuff coming....

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