Sad, isn't it? I was buying Gremlins 9 years ago, and was going to sign one over to my wife, until she said she might give it to her son to drive it .... it's a rare '72 Sunroof Gremlin, I said uh-uh! No way, Hose-A! So I kept it in my name. He didn't get a car then, and 2 years ago when he got his first car ever, he's wrecked a Subaru Forrester in 8 months, then lost his second car after a DUI and a DWL ( Driving Without License ) in New Mexico, and Mom repo'ed it. Can't say I'm sorry I didn't let him have the Gremlin...I KNEW he'd tear it up. Never trust a kid who you can't trust already ( and I didn't back then, either ) to take care of a rare old car. Sorry you had to go thru this. In
my humble opinion, a kid should ALWAYS get a beater first car first, then if they take care of it, you can move them over to old or new or whatever. Hope you get it fixed soon...
Jerry the GremlinGT guy in Virginia
Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:09 pm (PDT)
If I do
get the Hornet, guess who ain't getting to drive it?!!! ~Lu~