--- In
BaadAssGremlins@ yahoogroups. co
m, "HEL" <strlcuckoo_ 46@...>
> WEnt to the "Help" section
to get a couple sets of GGM
hinge pins and
> they have more then one
type for GM cars. Does anyone
know thw number?
> And what size drill bits
are needed?
> Hal
Hal my wife say's I am a pack
rat that never throws
anything away. I did the
hinge pins on my orange
Hornet 8 years ago and saved
the card that the bushings
and pins came in. The No# is
DPH-10B.It says for GM and
Pford and comes with
different size bushings and
pins.My hinges were so bad
that the bushing was
completly gone and the pin
wore the hole in the hinge
where the bushing went
oblong. Pick out the size
that will work best. Use a
claiper to figure out the
drill size and go for it. The
bigger pins and bushings will
last forever.