That's a great story, Davis. I did the same thing with my son when he was about 5, that kind of moment is priceless. Gary 'Themix2'
-----Original Message-----
From: Davis <martin-davis@sbcglobal. net>
To: BaadAssGremlins@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Tue, 6 May 2008 6:33 am
Subject: [BaadAssGremlins] Gremlin Gets a Trophy!
My wife works monday evenings and I can't work in the garage when I
have my son so.....I decided to dust the grem off tonight and take my
son to a car show. The first of the season.
Got lots of nice comments on the car. Lots couldn't believe the HP it
has. And most said this must haul a$$ LOL
It was called a pacer about 4 times and a pinto once and a Maverick
then a javelin. The 401 was called a big block 3 times.
My son went to accept the trophy. He is only 3 and was so excited.
Folks thought it was cool to see the car seat strapped in the race
seat. They took a pic of him recieving the trophy. He brought it home
and put it on his shelf. He was so proud. He told me "Daddy, this
(gremlin) is cool"
Email: martin-davis@sbcglobal. net
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