HI guys! Thanks for thinking of me. I am in serious toubles here in CT . Short version, I am up to my brows in debt tryiong to figure out how to pay money I owe to a few fellow AMCers and I have not forgotten nore will I cheat anyone. I am still working on keeping my house out of foreclosure and my wife just left me and took my son and filed for the big D so things suck right now.But on the up side I am getting the bills streightened out and the wife and I will be trying counceling. Wish us luck!Joe if you wouldn't mind could you send a little cash my way for that like new battery tray I sent you? anything helps. I will be selling off lots if not ALL of my amc collection.Bart I have not forgotten our deal but it will have to be on hold for a while due to my current circumstance.Right now I have to concentrate on bills and my family.Please keep us in your prayers and feel free to call me on my cell.DEVE I have not yet had the chance to look for the seats I will get on it ASAPI hope you all understand I am doing my best to keep everyone happy and keep me above waterThanks for listening,Davis860-997-2732 cell
Paul Hancock <kwikbiker@yahoo.com> wrote:Thanks for the words. I'm not positive thats the deal with Davis but I do remember him saying to that effect in one of his last posts. Don't pass the hat yet but don't rule it out
jgray_55 <jgray_55@yahoo.com> wrote:GOOD to hear that he is OK!! I've always had very good luck dealing
with Davis. A great guy from what i know of him!! Just got worried
because it is NOT like him to NOT post to the group? Joe--- In
BaadAssGremlins@yahoogroups. , Paul Hancock <kwikbiker@.com ..> wrote:
> Davis mentioned in a previous message that he was having a tough
time of it , what with the econemy and all . I have cut most ties to
my friends and club members until things level out. Davis and I are
both in construction and it ain't been good lately. Be patient and
send good wishes to Davis. He will come around as soon as things look
up, and he will not take advantage of anyone as I think from previous
messages he is OK. Thanks for listening Paul in Detroit.
> Tim Kottman <timkott@...> wrote: His number is 860-997-2732
for anyone needing to contact him. Last i talked to him he was
> very busy. hope he is ok.
> --- In BaadAssGremlins@yahoogroups. , Mildred McClain <mildred44@>com
> >
> > Maybe his computer is down and he just hasn't had time
> > or money to fix it... Has anyone tried to call him?
> > Mildred
> >
> >
> >
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- Re: [BaadAssGremlins] Re:Davis Martin - mia -
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