One of the most memorbalbe shows I went to was a ISCA show up in Dallas in
late 80s. And as they were doing trophy presentation, they were doing some some
Ford class. There was a stunning Crown Victoria with glass top that had never
gotten anything but 1st in it's class whatever that class was.
On this day, he lost by some points and when the owner walked up on stage
in front of over 400+ people, and get his second place trophy, whihc was a good
4 footer (my estimate sitting abuot 20 rows up with warm beer) he said thanks
then went on about how the judging was flawed and smashed the trophy on stage.
The crowd and mc were stunned....there was a few seconds of silence before
someone (gotta love those Dallas drunks) yell "get off the
stage you asshole!" and suddenly there is cascade of cups, koozies as he sulked
off stage. Not wanting to waste my $40 cup of warm beer I just yelled the F word
and other obsenities which uh, for me is not unusual, especially at Houston
Texans games or wrasslin matches.
To this day...I have never seen that car at any meets. Still, i look at it
like this, the best trophies and awards are the ones that are totally
unexpected. You go to show, have fun, talk to people, represent yourself in a
good manner and if shit happens, then shit happens! Personally i would rather
have another goodie bag like we had here in Texas for the nationals in
2001.......people STILL talk about the AMC goodie bags to this day, they were 14
POUNDS and over $350 worth of stuff shoved in them, some of them gave out with
the weight!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 7:35 PM
Subject: Re: [BaadAssGremlins] things
that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm.............
I am kind of surprised that so many of your shows do it by vehicle
age. Around here they mostly do it by make of car. Ford, GM, and Mopar. Then
they have one for street rod, Depending on how big the show is they might
have other classes. About the only ones who put them in years is when
they have an all Ford show or something like that. Like I said I go to very
few that charge an entry fee and judge the car. I really don't appreciate
spending $25 to just be told we really don't have a class for you. The only
trophy I ever one was at a freebie and I got it for best Mopar. I can
understand the judging at the international meets where you are judging a
Gremlin against another Gremlin but I just don't see how these guys can
actually judge a 55 Corvette against a 64 Corvair or a 65 Falcon against a 57
T-bird. I just stick to my free shows and if they have trophies I don't get
upset because the 3rd grade class of St. Patrick's elementary
school picked the 46 LaSalle fire truck over my Gremlin for a trophy. I knew I
should have gone for the $25 car length of tickets instead of the $1 ticket
for the 50/50 drawing.
Luke Wardwell <horneteer2@xxxxxxxxx>
Hmmm that has happened at shows I have been to. I can enter
my car in the 70s class, so just 70s can enter. ![]()
I remember seeing a 2 year old Vett (not Chevette) winning against
excellent restored 50s on up Corvettes. I have seen it happen
before. Its not fair. ![]()
I am not fond going to AMC shows and see members cars win everything,
not the other guys cars. I remember one show where there was a category for
childrens pick.
It was a regular old Classic wagon or something that won. I
thought the brightly colored American painted up like the American flag
would catch thier attention first. Oh well.
They kinda mocked my dented fender and door also. Not as good of an
experience as I hoped for for my 5 hour drive. ![]() wrote:
The wife and I took the Gremlin and Pacer to a show today. I
was assigned to the modified '72 to current class. Look at this
photo and see the car I'm parked next to - a brand new
Mustang worth more than my house. Of course, the motor head judges
chose his car. Now, I ain't normally a sore looser, but I was surrounded
by cars that folks spent many hours restoring and put their heart and
soul into - just as I did. This kid takes daddy's money to the Ford
dealer, plops down 60K, (or more?) drives to the
show and wins a freaking trophy. For every two of the spectators
that looked at his car, 5 looked at mine. What kind of crap is that? Does
anyone else experienced this, or even bothered by this crap? Why the
hell are these cars even at the show? If they have to be there, put them
in a corner away from restored vehicles. OK, enough of my social
 "Cool Factor
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