Thanks Gary now I see what you are talking about. When I think of a grill I was just thinking of the slots that the air went through. I never thought of the surround section as being part of the grill. I see where that part is silver on the plain ones and the color of the cars with the X's. I was thinking they were saying if you had a red car the whole front of the car was red. I knew I was missing something. Oh yea Davis my Gremmie said he was very proud of being one of the last Gremlins made even if you don't think he is a Gremlin.Terry wrote:Ok, lets try this another way. I think the 'new' question is...What color is the inner section that would normaly be called the grille? On '70.5 thru '73 the grille and the headlight surround section were all one piece. On the years with an X model available the grille surround section was painted the color of the car and the inner section (where the air gets thru to the radiator was painted flat black or a satin black with a double pinstripe the color of the side body stripe outlining it. All other models the grille surround was a silver gray and the inner section was a darker gray with no pinstripe around it. Starting in late '73 AMC changed the front grille/headlight surround to a three piece unit and these are not involved in the original question. Hope this helps. Gary 'TheMix2'
-----Original Message-----
From: martin-davis@sbcglobal. net
To: BaadAssGremlins@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 6:26 AM
Subject: Re: [BaadAssGremlins] Grill Colors
Terry,If you go to the Year Models link at the top of the sight, it lists each year 70-78 and there is a factory brosure picture of each one. Every one shows the X mode, and from 72 to 76 you can clearly see that the grille is body color. The X package wasn't available till 72. I don't really know much about the 77-78 models. I have concentrated on 70-76 for the last 20 years. It is always best to look at factory info when looking for this sort of info and not readers rides or cars at shows.Davis wrote:OK I have a dumb question. I looked at the site you gave me and if you read the differences between the X and the plain Gremlin it says the Grill was color coordinated. Question were the grills suppose to be the same color as the car or did they have silver on the cross members. I looked at all the pictures of the cars and granted there are quite a few that aren't X's on there but either I am color blind or I just don't see them being the same color as the car. Even the guy's who runs the site has a silver grill in his car. Not that it really matters but I must be missing something.Terry
Davis Martin <martin-davis@sbcglobal. wrote:net> Thank you Sir
Robert <> wrote:Ok, I dug through my stuff and found my original 1973 sales brochure.
In print it states the color coordinated grill came with the "X"
package. After reading everything on standard and optional equipment
that came with the 1973 Gremlin, it never mentions anything about
the "silver" grill. So, Davis, I would say that you are correct in your
comment about the dealers putting the cheaper "silver" grill on cars
that might have had the original grill broken before they were sold.
Thanks, Bob in MN.
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