I had to chime in on this one as my 72 Gremlin X came from the factory with a silver grille. According to my 72 AMC brochure all Gremlin X's came with a body colored grille "Except with special paint options". I guess there were several "special paint options" because in 72 a lot of X's up here in NY had silver grilles. Ron
Davis Martin <martin-davis@sbcglobal. wrote:net> NOPE. They came that way from the factory. Goping to shows will tell you nothing. YOu have to look at factory brosures and order forms and such.The X package definitly came with a body colored grille unless custom ordered with the x package and a silver grille.P.S. I have an excellent match for the silverDavis
baddassgremlin@aol.com wrote:From what I remember at the shows I have been at over the last 7 years, the grills were painted the color of the car but I thought it was because it was too hard to "match" the silverish factory paint on the grills so everyone just painted them the car color. Bob in MN.
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