davis you seem to be the leader of the idiots , so ill address you for all the idiots that keep standing up , you guys all drive amc , thats says ot all there build a real car then lets talk the shit , back in the day we raced many slow gremlins trying to keep up real muscle cars , so like i said build a real car an then run your mouth , i have friends with rice burners that smoke your low budget amc so put a sock in it avis you slow minded amc dork ,an go get a tissue , an sit down , breakdown of amc a= amature ,m= muscle, c= crap , the more you write just shows your maturity , so ill send you a copy of the cancelled check after i sell her , so keep on hating buddy
Davis Martin <martin-davis@sbcglobal. wrote:net> I keep forgetting there are people out there (like you) with more money then brains. No one was bashing you we give what we get. If your an ass you get treated like an ass. Have fun with your mopar and good luck making the HP a 401 can make normally asperated ( do you understand those 2 big words?) on pumpoed 93 oct gasDavis
patrick stambaugh <obsydein@yahoo.com> wrote:i can understand why these cars arent worth anything , sitting here reading all this negitive response , you guys all keep crying over the same thing all day long , maybe thats why people get ripped off on ebay maybe noone know here really knows what they are talking about anyway , who cares really , but please to somebody restoring a car of fixing theres up needing original parts , 2000 dollars doesnt seem that hi to me when you sit and think how much your going to spend peicing your whole car together, some guys i know got alot more into there car buying aftermarket parts and its still not right , so to the right person this would be a gold mine , so the way i see it time is on my side anyway the longer i wait the more worth this gremlin is gonna be worth , the way i see it mopar rules anyway, any money i get would just go in my mopar to eat amc's anyway so maybe your right who really does care but if you ask me you bunch of crybabys arent doing your car club any justice sitting here putting everything someones say down , all i can say is grow up you crybabys, and to the dude that bought the grill i dont know how much you paid but see nowyour a little closer to that 2000 dollar mark everyday , ha ha ha ha ha ,sincerly the bashed
lumina333 <lumina333@yahoo.com> wrote:Glad to hear that you are making progress! I used the $35 spring
compressor today on my 'old' Gremlin. That was an EXCELLENT investment
on my part I must say!!!!!! I found that after you tighten up the
compressor just enough to pull the bolts out of the spring seat, you
can tilt the spring out and it will slide down the A arm as you
release the tension on the spring. The spring is very controlled and
not likely to pop out on you. I wish the guy selling them would add
the correct bolts, washers, & nuts to go on the bottom of the
compressor. I spent more time trying to find the correct size, length,
& nuts than I did removing both springs! I finally gave up and went to
Advance Auto and bought some. The bolts should really be Grade 3 or
better IMHO, and I plan on finding some to keep with the compressor.
The entire crossmember assembly (from disc brake to disc brake) was
removed after the springs were taken out. Next I dropped the entire
steering assembly and lastly the joust bumpers off the old car. As
soon as I get my 'new' car back from the upholstery shop (next week?)
I will be ready to start on the new work! Thank God for the nice
weather today. Also went on a Haunted Hayride tonight with the family -
tooooooooo fuuuuuuuunnnnnnnn!! ~Lu~
--- In BaadAssGremlins@yahoogroups. , "djdaveinpa" <djdave@...>com
> Got some gremlin time in tonight, cranked that spring compressor up
> only to find the spring slipped off the rubber... what an arm killer.
> Fixed that by spending 30 min. unscrewing and rescrewing the
> compressor tight. Dropped the swaybar, and removed the strut rod
> to find out I have the wrong bushings for both. vendors suck. Managed
> to get the upper and lower control arms in, along with the spindle
> backing plate. Unfortunately while I was in the garage with my
> gremlin, a bear was in my yard with my garbage. Time to clean the
> up.
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