RE: [BaadAssGremlins] Re: Google (was- REAL BAD DAY...)
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RE: [BaadAssGremlins] Re: Google (was- REAL BAD DAY...)

Title: Message
Your cake reference doesn't make sense.
Why aren't we complaining that McDonalds doesn't call the 'Quarter Pounder' by that name in France?
To do business in other countries, you have to work within the political and regional conditions that
exist, not the ones ytou wish were there...unless you are prepared to launch an invasion to 'fix' those
places to fit your perception of what 'better' is (and we all see how swimmingly such efforts are going
in Iraq).
We don't have to imagine the US restricting things, as this isn't about 'China bad, so don't play with
them'. It's about slipping a little internet in now and watching how the average users respond over there.
Planting seeds.
In the US, Google does business by US standards. In China, they do it by Chinese standards. Once
they get a foothold, the little subversive changes that slip in little by little can effect change. It happens
slow, but it happens. The alternative is to sit back, do nothing and whine about it...and keep sending
our money to them via Wal-Mart (the true 'have my cake and eat it too' situation).




-----Original Message-----
From: BaadAssGremlins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:BaadAssGremlins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Eddie Stakes

On google however, they want cake and eat it too. Imagine the US restricting same Chinese companies on same.
AMC content, imagine searching for Gremlin and it was banned by your government. :`P
----- Original Message -----
From: John W Rosa
To: BaadAssGremlins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 4:04 PM
Subject: RE: [BaadAssGremlins] Re: Google (was- REAL BAD DAY...)

'When in Rome'... :)
Actually, here's the thing: Google is fighting to keep what you and I search
for private, whether what we seek is legal or not. And our system is setup
so that Google can fight and perhaps win the case. Free speech, right to
privacy and so on.
In China, well, we all know the deal. So Google is faced with a choice:
Hold firm to US ideals and be completely shut-out of China....or get their
foot in the door by appeasing the leaders, then slowly help turn the country
around. Heck, the hackers will be on it like flies in no time. It won't take long
before China's leaders are powerless to stem the tide of change. But if we
can't get that first inch, we can't ever get the yard.
Meanwhile, we're all off to Wal-Mart to send our hard-earned US cash to that
very same country. 'Oh, it's just too inconvenient to be righteous!' Maybe we
should ponder ourselves before judging Google too harshly. >:(
Just another angle to consider.

John W Rosa 



-----Original Message-----
From: BaadAssGremlins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:BaadAssGremlins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Eddie Stakes
Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2006 10:57 AM
To: BaadAssGremlins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [BaadAssGremlins] Re: REAL BAD DAY.....

Something to also ponder. Google is fighting the US government tooth and nail to not disclose their searches. However, they bent over backword for the Chinese government to exclude (yes, censor) many democratic terms like 'democracy' for instance. Think about that!

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