Davis,This car has that also, it is a pretty intact Gremlin.
trentonbrowne@xxxxxxxx this is his e-mail add and you can say the guy from Wichita Falls told you. 940-427-8545 His phone. His name is Trenton and he has always done me fair.Hal
Davis Martin <martin-davis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hal,Thanks for the offer. My name is DAVIS. I need a rear quarter pannel, drivers side not a front fender. Thanks for thinkin of me though.Davis
harold losey <strlcuckoo_46@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:David I know where there is a prety nice front fender in a yard here in TX and the guy does ship. If you want his email and tele # let me know.Hal
Davis Martin <martin-davis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Bart,Unfortunate that it is getting sold after they put so much work into it. I see they kept the motor n tranny though.I have enough on my plate with 2 amx's and 3 gremlins. Anyone wanna buy a green 72 gremlin?Willing to consider trades.
I sanded down the drivers quarter on the black gremlin. What a disaster! The original owner told me he was in an accident and that quarter was replaced back in the earlie 80's. Well they didn't replace it they pulled it out and skimmed it about 3/8" thick.SO now I am looking for a drivers side rust free quarter. I will have to start calling out west.
baadass73gremlin@xxxxxxx wrote:Welp,i guess either Fran or his cuz Lester just got bored or didn't have any use for it but heres their drag hornet for sale,Davis,here ya go manBart
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