Hi Doc, I sell wiring diagrams for all models and all years from 1967 thru 1981. Some are only three pages, others over 20. I have a wiring schematic going out Saturday AM for a fellow who is having trouble with his 74 Javelin. Bet many of you didn't know there were TWO wiring schamatics for 1974 Javelin. 74's are really electronically challenged due to the horribly designed (and mandated by the Federal Government to all US automakers) but every 74 I have ever had has had some electrical problems, including both 74s I currently own, a Hornet and Gremlin. So there was about 12 pages to copy for that poor bastard! As for the Pacer lady, tell her send me $3.00 and let me know what YEAR, and what MODEL AMC she needs wiring schematics for. It is a service I have been doing for people since the 1980s, the $3 offsets the Office Depot copies and shipping, as each reply gets a free American Motoring (AMO) magazine, and applications for AMO, NAMDRA and AIM. So pass this onto her if it helps. Eddie Stakes 1902 Wycliffe Houston, TX. 77043