Re: [BaadAssGremlins] Re: Family meeting (long)
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Re: [BaadAssGremlins] Re: Family meeting (long)

In a message dated 4/23/2004 11:05:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time, eddiestakes@xxxx writes:

> Concerning a family meeting. Bart, no offense taken. I understand your
> concern about a car forum possibly turning into a chat room. However people
> do chat here, and many of the people on your forum probably know each other
> personally or have dealt with one another up close and personal sometime
> thru the years. For instance, while I have never met you, I believe we have
> done business before, and I met Doc at the AMO Nats in 2000 in Berlin, CT
> for instance, Lu alerted me to a possible car getting crushed in a Alabama
> junkyard, and so on.
> And in that mix of people that log on or join, you will have conversations
> or chats, some of are of interest, others no one knows what the hell someone
> may be talking about. I've seen a subject line I thought was about a car
> only to read it and it says something of 'yes, I'll see you at the meet!' or
> something like that, and not sure what meet, day, year, they are talking
> about. Other times the original thread is long since gone in the subject
> line and the conversation has moved onto blizards, hurricanes, or
> crossmembers!
> The best thing about it all, while it sometimes seems like a chat room, is
> that 90% of the time it is car related. People will come and go on any list
> and forum however for a variety of reasons, sold car, personal problems,
> computer crashed, busy with work/kids, the best you can do is continue to
> try to recruit people to this list by telling them about it. It won't be for
> everyone either, like I bailed off the amxfiles last July after 6 years and
> never went back, too much fighting, name calling, and anarchy. No big deal,
> as long as people continue to share info, talk about the weather, and for
> the most part, keep it mostly car related, shuold be fine and continue to
> grow. I think Bart has done a really good job with his list here too,
> sometimes that goes unsaid.
> Now for off topic a moment and Bart's bad day. I will trade anyone here for
> my day yesterday. I ogt up at 6:00am, drove downtown Houston, went to court
> of which I'm charged with a Class A Misdemeanor of which max fine is a year
> in jail and $4000 fine. I had my attorney with me and she reset the court
> date to May 6th while we gather more information for my defense. I stressed
> out all night and could not sleep toss and turned thinking about all sorts
> of scenarios. Got back home, took a nap then took my sick dog Max who is 7,
> to the vet. They put him on fluids, although I know I am on borrowed time
> with him. Funny we don't have a photo of me, Paige, Noah, Jacob and Max all
> together.
> That was Thursday.
> So I get up today, and was going to the vet, hoping for good news. I stopped
> at a little place named Anna's doughnuts, I have not been there for months
> over on Gessner. The Chinese kid who is the owners son says 'hi Mr. Jones,
> how are you' to a old mane behind me, who is sitting next to some middle
> eastern looking people, man and woman. I looked back and the old man in a
> suit looks like he is falling asleep. wrapped up all in my own bull shit the
> past several days I suddenly realized he was turning chalky white/blue, and
> at the same time the guy next to him said 'my friend, are you ok, can you
> breathe?' and reached over and held his head up, and I told the Chinese
> fellow 'call 911!' which he quickly did and the medics on the phone told us
> to lay him down on the floor, so I grabbed his legs, the middle east guy
> grabbed his torso, and we laid him on the floor. Flat, facing up, he was now
> blue and eyes rolled back. This was the last thing I needed to see today,
> knowing I would be going 2 blocks around the corner to see the vet, who
> probably had bad news. I grabbed my kolache and 2 donuts and coffee and went
> outside and flagged down the paramedics who were drigint eh wrong way down
> Gessner, and then went back to the sidewalk to eat my stuff, and get out of
> the way. Not sure if the old man died or not, he looked in his 70s/80s, btu
> they wheeled him away and took off to the hospital.
> I thought God was telling me something.
> So I go to the vet, only to hear him say my dog, Max, is dying. I left in
> tears, have been crying all day, Paige has too. The vet recommended we put
> him to sleep tonight, but I told him I wanted to take him home and take some
> photos, and if he is up to it, I'll take him in Monday if he lives that
> long. Noah, who is 2 1/2 and Jacob, were oblivious to me in the back yard
> between the grapefruit and pear tree digging a big grave, they were playing
> all around me and i somehow drew strength from this, although weak from
> stress and pain, hearing my boys play somehow eased this. Not much. Max was
> brought home tonight and is dying. I'm sure all of you have had a pet that
> was like one of the family for a long time. Surely you know how it might be,
> and the pain and sadness of saying goodbye.
> So, while he is here with us tonight, and will be tomorrow, not sure how
> much longer he will last as he is really weak from the kidney disease. And
> seeing that old man possibly dying in front of me this morning didn't help.
> So a super tough two days I would trade anyone for the last two days, and
> have prayed a lot for not only Max, but the old man, and strength for Paige
> and me. Just a tough time, so sometimes it is a little theraputic I gues to
> be able to talk about it. Sometimes it helps others time does not, we all
> have great days, other times they f***ing suck. Ya'll take 
> care and God
> Bless.
> Eddie Stakes
> Yahoo! Groups Links
Eddie, I feel your pain and I know what it's like to send a pet to pet heaven. I made my wife put our 7 year old dog to sleep about 15 years ago and she never forgave me for putting her in that position. 2 years ago our 20 year old cat (that I really didn't care for) needed to be 'put down' and this time she made me do the dastardly deed. I cried like a baby. Our prayers are with you and your court case. When are you going to write a book? My daughter has a small publishing company and your personal exploites make great reading. I mean that as a GOOD thing, please don't take offense. 
Gary 'The Mix' in Cleveland, Ohio 

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