AMC garden may finally get started....
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AMC garden may finally get started....

 I got a lawn mower repaired last night, and the
grass cut before the rain came for the rest of this
week, so I had some spare time to work on a rear-tined
Rototiller I bought at auction last year. I got it
running quickly, and tried a few passes, but it wasn't
working right as usual. While looking at the axle when
at rest, I noticed the axle turning, the wheels not,so
I shut it off, and looked at the axle closely. Two
feedthru holes...hmm. I went and got some small bolts
and nuts, lined the wheel bearing hub holes up with
the axle holes, put the nuts on, fired it up again and
Voila! It now works properly! I was ecstatic, so I ran
the tiller around a 20 x 20 foot plot of nasty old
mixed weeds and grass till it was all nice and
reddish-brown. I guess the design of the tiller is so
that it doesn't require an expensive transmission, you
just pull some pins and then the wheels free-wheel so
you can maneuver it. When bolted together, the tiller
won't move unless running and in gear. So as long as
it'll start,I can maneuver it around the yard without
pulling the pins. Somewhat aggravating, but then
again, I only paid $20 or less for it last year. :)
What a bargain for an old Sears Craftsman tiller!
ANYWAY, on to the AMC part. I bought red, white,
and blue flower seeds a few years ago, intending to do
just this, delete some grass that was ugly and patchy,
and put in some flowers. I want to make an AMC flag
logo with the flowers. So now, I think I can start!
The ground is broken, needs to have the clumps raked
out, re-tilled a few times, then maybe by next week, I
can prep the ground with some fertilizer, then seed it
and see what happens. At least now there will be 400
sq. feet LESS grass to cut! LOL. I may expand the
garden plot area, I hate cutting grass. 
Still no progress on anything AMC, been spending
this fine Spring weather trying to send junk to the
dump, get the home-owner Gotta-Do's out of the way
first, then maybe I can go wrench on some Gremlins for
a change soon. Not before Carlisle, though! :) Well,
that's it, I'll let ya know how the garden comes
along, I'm happy I got this much done on a Monday
after work! Take care,


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