Since I have been not able to find another Hornet Bee Hood emblem I have decided to make my own. I had an offer of one with a cracked lense for 20$ plus shipping, I passed. The one I recently got from a member here went on the new Hornet. I still need one for the yelow Hornet. The original emblem off the yellow car is intact with a cracked clear plastic lense. After close examination I have devised a plan on how to diesect the bee from the clear lense and use the bee as a buck for a mold to cast my own bee in resin. The hardest part is to cast the bee and detail it. Makeing the backing to mount it on and a new lense is simple. Then all I have to do is glue it into the original monting bezel and glue it into the grill. I'll cast at least 6 bee's just for good luck even though I only need one. "Doc"