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Hey look everyone, I have $49 million to share with all my friends now. You know, of all the nigerian scams like this I get weekly, about 5-10 of them (althought got 3 in one DAY last week) this is unusual as it mentions the club down below, so I'm guessing they were actually on my website links list.
This is not really a new trick, as for anyof you on the amxfiles.com (I ain't no more, left that place July 03) but it was not uncommon for someone to go on there and well, YOUR email name is there in lights, and these scam artists would cull a whole list of people easily like that, then send them individually 'you have won!' and 'help, my money is in sierre leone bank!' and letters like that. So this is a first one to actually mention the AMC of Houston club, of which I ain't a member of.
Cover your asses ya'll. I have a file about different Nigerian scams like this on my website under "parts" file. But ifyou really want to see something, go to www.google.com and punch in 'nigerian scams' and watch it light up like a pinball machine.
Eddie Stakes
PS: with $49Mil I gues it is time to put Kenosha back to work building these fine AMCs.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 12:14 PM

Dear  Eddie Stakes,

I am addressing this letter to you with utmost respect and with the sincere
hope that it will move you into action to help me,as this will be of a mutual benefit to both of us.

I am Elliot Davies of the British 4th infantry army Division troops. In
retrospect, during our combined forces with the United States of America
(USA) army to remove the brutal Regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraqi, of
which during one Of our routing search of Saddam Hussein presidential Palace
in Baghdad some of my colleague and I found two metal Boxes containing
millions of dollars in Saddam Hussein Presidential palace to the tune of
forty nine million four hundred thousand United States dollars only.

After the discovery of these metal boxes my colleague and I Carefully
removed the two metal boxes to a safe location in a security company in
Spain called, CATALUNIA DIPLOMATICO SEGURIDAD. Due to the nature of! my job it becomes quite Impossible to reach me on phone as me and my colleagues are still in Iraq.

I am therefore asking you to please come to our aid in Getting this money
out from the security company in Spain, because we will like to put this fund
into use, we are planning to invest this money into rental estate in your
country. For your assistance, we will offer you 30% from the total amount, we
have mapped out 10% for all our expenses while the other 50% will be for me
and my colleague and we will invest the 50% into rental estate in your
state.We also decided to put in 10% into The AMC Club of Houston,Houston, TX. As we always enjoy watching your website, your rallies, socials, and cruising.           &! nbsp;

With all due respect,You are required to respond to me upon your receipt of this mail to let me know your intentions.As this is urgent.


Elliot Davies

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