Great work, Lu. Kinda felt good didn't it? Did ya get a feeling of accomplishment, kinda like a rush, when it finally turned over. Just feels even better when it goes back together. I for one can relate to the feelings associated to the engines first rumble.While my engine was still on the stand, I primed the oil pump using an electric drill attached to a gutted distributor. I let it spin until oil was pumping out of every push rod onto the rocker arms.Once the engine was installed I added some makeshift exhaust pipes (without mufflers) and prepared to give it a try. First, I spun it over to get fuel up to the carb. Once I knew for sure the four barrel was primed, I connected a hot wire to the coil. I barely touched the screwdriver to the solenoid and the engine roared to life. The rush was unbelievable...........Anyone else been there, done that?Temps are in the mid seventies tomorrow. I think I'll fire it up again just to hear it run.Rick