There are a few Hornets in a local junkyard here in Alabama...I will look for some parts that you need. Where do you live? Nice to have another female mechanic in this group! Welcome! -Lu- ****************** Well, I need the back passanger tail light, one of the plastic spare tire covers in green, and the rear bumper. There are a lot of little things too, but Im not there yet.If you saw the pictures, you see the two cars. One is the wreck and the other is a 75 ..dont tell the car, it thinks its a 72.The donor car,75,was in really bad shape internally.Not to mention it was a rusty tan color. I prefer to get back to the darker green interior.I saved all of the doors , well, almost everything I could take off the other car is in my shed. So not to gnaw your ear off, I could talk about my car all day, if anyone needs interior in the tan color suchas door panels and the like, I have it. It will be a long road to recovery for my car. thanks for the reply, Linda