RE: [BaadAssGremlins] eBay item 2492672215 (Ends Oct-10-04 10:10:53 PDT)
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RE: [BaadAssGremlins] eBay item 2492672215 (Ends Oct-10-04 10:10:53 PDT) - AMC : AllModels



Gotta disagree a bit. The V8-specific parts are 
worth $500 by themselves (crossmember, mounts,
springs, rear axle, etc). Then the V8 VIN
has it's own value. Then it's an X model, and 
a Levis model. He's also throwing in an NOS in
the box hatch tent kit which is worth a good 
$200 or so.

If the reserve is $1000, I'd say it's not a 
rip's just not a 'steal'. Certainly,
the red one is a better deal at $1500, tho.


-----Original Message-----
From: AMC74HORNET@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:AMC74HORNET@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 6:47 AM
To: BaadAssGremlins@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [BaadAssGremlins] eBay item 2492672215 (Ends Oct-10-04 10:10:53
PDT) - AMC : AllModels

I see there are a few bids now with 811$ the top bid with the reserve
not met yet. I re-read the description of the car and saw somthing I
missed before. He say's the engine has a rod knock, but he drives it to
shows and club functions? That seems like insanity to me. Anyhow you all
have heard me piss and moan about the repairs I have had to do to my
orange car in the last year, well they were nothing compared to the work
this puppy is going to need. It is barely a 500$ car in its current
condition in my opinion. I wonder what the reserve is on it. 

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