[Amc-list] LPG / LNG / METHANE - amc power -
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[Amc-list] LPG / LNG / METHANE - amc power -

Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 08:34:29 -0500
From: "Bruce Hevner" <scramblr@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Amc-list] Still think LNG is the answer? Better read this.

A new report by the Energy Forum at Rice University's
<http://media.rice.edu/>  Baker Institute for Public Policy finds that the
United States will continue to rely on imported natural gas
wont-make-us-self-sufficient-in-natural-gas/>  even if areas that are
currently restricted are opened up to drilling.
Natural gas is already an important fuel in the United States,
representing 22 percent of total primary energy use in 2006. About 20
percent of that gas was imported, the vast majority from Canada. Liquefied
natural gas (LNG) imports have risen from virtually zero in 1986 to just
in excess of 0.5 trillion cubic feet (tcf), or 2.9 percent of total U.S.
natural gas consumption in 2006. The United States imports LNG from a
variety of countries, including Trinidad and Tobago, Egypt, Nigeria and
According to the new study, under a business-as-usual scenario, where U.S.
lands are not opened up for drilling, by 2030, U.S. consumers could be
relying on LNG imports for as much as 30 percent of total supply. This has
strong implications for security


'Baker Institute for Public Policy' - ?  Hello Republican Big Oil Buddies :)

=WARNING= 'you are entering into the 'Free Rant Zone' -

Don't get me wrong, I'm not 'Anything' - I vote 'Logic' when available,
but all that bunk over 'Drilling in Perma Frost' Wildlife Preserves for
yields that even their Scientists were a little dodgey about seemed to be
a case of one party's movers & shakers being denied a 'Trophy' for their
corporate buddies - and all this went down around the time of those
painfully embarrassing Senate Hearings into Mobil Exxon's profits - haven't
hear much since thankfully.  

Must be that the media is currently taken up with
the huge spills up there from pipes that haven't seen service in years,
belonging to those 'others' our current Leadership trusted
to 'maintain and police' themselves on - like that ever works.

But hey, 30 thousand American dead in
a phony oil war, a Veterans Administration that routinely denies
shrapnel wounds as not being 'Service Related', vindictive outing of CIA agents by 'White House Unknowns',
Stem Cell Research denial over one guys take on how Life is run by a Holy Ghost,
his first ever Veto in two terms of office used to deny children's Health Coverage,
refusing to enforce existing Immigration Laws so as to flood markets with cheap
labor,..... an Energy Policy of no importance to anyone except cronies with financial
considerations - resulting in our Food is now becoming much more expensive - 
so excuse me if I dismiss 'The Baker Institute for Public Pol icy' just for a moment.

The main problem we have with LNG is our lack of port facilities - something
that is being addressed slowly.  Businesses like Restaurants , and processors
use LNG - so there is movement afoot to 'protect' these interests somewhat.

England and Central Europe are big on LNG for transportation power - retrofit
stations can be found in most areas easily and the Governments give cash should
you convert your vehicle.

The North Sea yields alot of gas - if it were such that scarcity were a factor,
the Britt's wouldn't be onboard.

Russia is to be a big player regardless - they have a plan in place fully funded
to run a massive fuel line up to Alaska - it's being debated at the moment.

Canada does provide alot of LNG - and they have been the prime mover with Thiokol
to get light weight LNG / LPG fuel tanks made for their Transportation fleets of
trucks / buses / Taxis - "strong implications for security" ? - well maybe.

"Release the Hounds" for opening up  Federal Lands ayah-Adah ayah, so for what
it's worth - I'd rather import LNG / LPG and use up everyone else's fuels before
draining our reserves...... Rambler Mentality I suppose.  There is alot of LNG
out there - so pricing gets competitive once we have port facilities to handle
ships from 'he who sells cheapest'.

And the sea bed has a frozen mass of Methane that is geigonda - extraction is being
researched at the moment - but again, it is our Ports that can't handle the volumes
available let alone a new huge 'recovery'.

"by 2030..." - by 2030 I'll have saved so much money using LPG / LNG rather than
$4.00 / $5.00 Gal. Gasoline that I could probably then purchase a Hydrogen Powered
Mercedes SLk and my own Hydrogen Generator to power the Fuel Cell.

Is LPG still under the pricing radar here stateside ? 


Is our government offering rebates and cash to retrofit ?

No. They began that years ago - and it has since gone the way of
'Personal Social Security Savings Accounts' - that were meant to
dismantle Social Security as we know it.

So, unless large scale LNG / LPG usage occurs, the stuff will
remain 'cost effective' in powering AMCs vs $100.00 per tank fill up of
gasoline - which you'll see in the News very shortly.

It was on the Business Channels today - $4.00 a gallon will be here in 2008 -
and cost per gallon will continue to climb to $5.00 gal. - due to 'the Wealth Factor'
- meaning in plain speak - the Chinese got the bucks so lets get them while the
getting good.

Eventually, our 'Global Economy' will be such that if exports to another big player 
begins to fall due to cost of energies to that player - 'adjustments' will be made as 
Economies are becoming interdependent for materials as well as manufacture

But eventual Big suppliers like Russia and China and Brazil aren't up to
speed yet - so they can't play 'nice' yet - so prices are going to escalate
until such time as available production allows price reductions for other
competitive economic considerations.

The large oil holders of interest these days are Governments - Russia / China and now Brazil -
not Mobil ExXon anymore - one reason I believe is why GM has pushed itself to develop
Electric car propulsion - like The Volt - and Fuel Cell Research has been led
by the United States and Germany - which again, will leave LPG / LNG alone and
flying under the Pricing Radar for a long time.

So save your cash and plan an LPG / LNG / Methane conversion for your vehicle -
that new Thiokol alloy tank is an answer to a prayer for the short term gasoline / diesel fuel
price feeding frenzy era we're entering into as we speak.

Up near Woodstock NY, a gallon of Diesel was $3.31 vs $2.94 Gal of gasoline - and that was
weeks ago.

How quickly can you count to '5' ?

Inquiring Gasoline Retailers want to know !


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