From: "John W Rosa" <JohnRosa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: "AMC List" <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: clubs, meets, categories, judging So, you awake from surgery to find the doctor has re-attached your arm to your forehead....which is considerably more difficult than putting it back on your shoulder. You'd give extra credit for originality?? :) "My final point on the non-AMC engines is, when you see that car driving down the road or driving on to the show field, what do you see? I see an AMC! I may be disappointed when the owner pops the hood, but I would be more disappointed to have never seen the car." But like you just're disappointed...thus, you automatically have seen it as something less. That's what we're saying should happen in judging. John ---------------------------------------- SOOoooooooooh... lemme get this straight - John.....: You're saying - someones Custom Ride should Automatically Disappoint Judges Prior to Judging them - since it is something l'ess' - due that they are not in Stock / Stock Modified AMC class ? Who is flunking' Jury Duty ? Any Ancestry from Montgomery Alabama in YOUR background ? NavelLint? ! Wait ! OK_OK...... Got It !: So : ................. you have Surgery & you wake up finding mosey puss has been facilitated & the nurse starts hitting on you........while her hand is under the Blankets (!)..! Wait_Wait ! ... ( a friends AMC rolls out from a stop light next to another American Made Muscle Car - and puts it away coming out of third gear as "The Duce" is half way thru 2nd - cause friend has a 6 speed Auto Trans............ and all she sees are AMC Taillights......... !Ohh.....Let that one be a FORD! rriGHT? How much yak will friend get when p'op the hoodlum' to find a Turbo 4.0 attached to the 6spd. ? eehyy....... not much - might get asked for an extra Adapter ! OOHhhhh - but let that Bonnet pop & out spring the Image of an all Aluminum 4.7 Quad Cammed - Fuel Injected V8 sporting AMC Badges - just for *GRINS*- - an engine friend can shift @ 8,000rpm - & you're...walking away pippin' Prozak ? Well 2bbl. 360 & a M'onster Tach' makes it right and is a very real Option ! You know , I WOULD NEVER change anything outside of the OEM - on a '37 Packard Roadster......... or a '56 Clipper Super Coupe! And I'll ALWAYS smile at those Perfectly Stock White & Black Eagle Kammbacks - with Stars & Stripes Flag neatly folded and Displayed on the Spare... - [..cough..] BUT - ....... as frens in Lock & Load mode - Triggering Fuel Pumps against Line Pressure Up_Oil Up_ Ignition - you won't find thoughts of T'ickleing' the BBD anywhere in the rack. Nah-Nah-Nah....... ain't mEeeeE! I'm the fellow dumping that Quart of Quaker State mostly in the valve cover of that AMC mostly Factory Stock 258 ! Obviously - f'riend' won't be in Stock nor Stock Modified > THE defining factor as to AMC engined or Not for those of you who are still searching - the C'lass' Delineating is still 'Stock'. P'ure' Stock is for the Maschocistic Trembling Few - who go for Showroom Fresh - as from the Factory right down to Paint Overspray ............ and Damned! I'll be cheering you on as I love History Too ! Remember T-Rex ? Buhhht .... you got that 40 CD changer in the Trunk spinning 'Eddie Money' - next to that T'hree Hundred Dollar' NOS bumper Jack which still sports the AMC Factory Assemblers finger prints that you Hermetically sealed on by burning CrazyGlue in a Trash Bag while holding the Jack with Pipe Cleaners - like you saw on Forensic Files ......... ? - uh uh uHHuuu ! Better park that Dog Dish sprouting' stripper with the 'Roll-Ups' over by the Diesel Generators ! In the Kustom show area , you'll notice a Shift between Capability Players and Capacity Players - Not in Stock nor Outa' Modified Stock - nope, juss Le'Jitt in Klass Kustom, Yeazzer.......... & I'll see YOU on the Fields of Honor. Brien. NEW YORK eagle registry #501 eagle kammback registry