Ya'll, I believe it was Doc who asked for a new shot of Little Car's engine, after the work I've been doing on it. Now that the weather has cleared, I had a day to (a) do a bit more clean-up under the hood, and (b) take a shot or two. The result is at: http://www.gwensmith.com/interests/rambler/images/64_classic_engine_big.jpg (Careful, the URL is a wee bit long and may wrap on you.) There is still a bit of work to be done under here, especially to get it "just so." The engine (including the cylinder head), for example, should be the same colour as the air cleaner. I'll get there at some point. Likewise, I had to forgo the tower clamps on the radiator at this juncture because I had the wrong size towers for the job. Another time. The distributor cap and spark plug wires aren't "to spec" either. Maybe at the next tune-up, as I've got the correct cap stored away, and know who makes date-coded repro plug wires. All in good time. You will also note that yes, there is a hose heading up into the hood. I did indeed finish the installation of the windshield washed system today. Yay! Cheers, Gwen Smith ______^_____^______ (O|O) =RAMBLER= (O|O) Gwen Smith * gwen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ------------------- www.gwensmith.com/interests/rambler \-<>---|770|---<>-/