In regard to Colin's earlier post: 1)I fully support a moderated list, not a draconian style of moderation, however a nudge by a moderator when things go awry would go a long way in maintaing and increasing membership. 2) That all subscribers donate a small amount of money in order to alleviate the costs involved in maintaining it. As we are just under 500 subscribers give or take 20 or so, if we were all to donate $5, this would bring a figure around $2000 to $2300, this should be sufficent to maintain the list for at least a year. 3) That the guidelines the moderators use, are clear to the subscribers. 4) That the list attach to all outgoing messages a link to how to unsuscribe to the list. 5) I support Frank's appointment as administrator. Regards, Kim Bueler '75 Gremlin X 360 V8 > I've posted what I believe would be good changes (in the long run) before. Those changes will include: > > 1. A set of posted rules > 2. A group of moderators, not a single person, and guidelines for the moderators. Moderators will be made public. > > Moderation will be as light as possible. The overall character of the list should stay the same. There will just be > several people who can keep things from getting out of hand! Since there will be consequences for not heeding warnings > , there should be few (if any) temporary bannings necessary. > > I can see no other way around recent problems. > > Frank Swygert > > ============================================================= > Posted by wixList Archiver -- > > > > >