Moly :Motor Oil For Older Engines
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Moly :Motor Oil For Older Engines

From:           	"mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <List@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To:             	"hh7x@xxxxxxxxxxx" <hh7x@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject:        	mail Digest for 8 Nov 2004 in hour 5:00
Date sent:      	Mon, 8 Nov 2004 05:23:45 -0800
Send reply to:  	mail-From-<# print(JADDR); #>

Subject: RE:Motor Oil For Older Engines

Reading on Bob's oil site - take a look at the 
Moly click-on.

SuperFine sells their product for $40.00 .
Then go to the KalGard site @
and find their same product for $11.00 .

It would look like the Optimum would be Red Line
with a Moly Additive........ maybe Mobil 1 ?

Have more reading on the site to determine how
well Mobil 1 has performed .

But the Moly works quite well - and the 'flake' size
allows it to remain in suspension .

KalGard flake size is half way between SuperFines
lowest and largest flake size - so it is a Bargain.

         NEW YORK
   eagle registry #501

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