I heard back from Jim Oster, Director of Sales for Highway 61 and, based on his response, I'm very optimistic. He thanked me for providing him with information and input he had requested and that he has forwarded it to their marketing people for evaluation. He went on to say "All I can tell you at this time is that your input has not fallen on deaf ears here at Highway 61 and that we will give consideration to developing a model from the list that you have provided". I then forwarded to Mr. Oster two messages from John Rosa which contained detailed information on the Javelin AMX and he responded by saying "this is good stuff and I have sent it to the marketing/project engineers for their review". He promised to keep me posted as they progress with their plans and that they will contact me if they require additional information. Stay tuned for further developments. Mark Boulder City, NV __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com