Re: [AMC-list] chinese amc emblems, jeeps, muscle cars oh my
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Re: [AMC-list] chinese amc emblems, jeeps, muscle cars oh my

Nationalism is now racism? What happened to the pride in anything made in this country? There are so few nowadays making anything in the US because big Gov't and the EPA as well as lawyers have forced them out of the country.
   That's why all the corporate NAPAs are dumping their machine shops before they get hit with $50K & up in fines for "pollution" from years of turning rotors (and the asbestos dust that came out of them) as well as waste from the auto industry.
   The Gov't keeps looking for deep pockets to fine and collect money from, but where are the jobs now? All they did was move the pollution to another country that doesn't currently care.
   The poor quality metals from China have been fixed by our engineers showing them how to enrich the steel with more carbon. (I just hope that doesn't come back to bite us in the ass because that is also being used in military grade weapons)
All this and I'm not even an American by birth. I CHOSE to come here!

From: tom jennings <tomj@xxxxxxx>
To: "AMC, Rambler, Nash, Jeep and family" <amc-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [AMC-list] chinese amc emblems, jeeps, muscle cars oh my
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
I hate to rain on this racist parade but --
The Chinese make all sorts of stuff, from mud-primitive garbage to top-notch
aerospace, medical and electronic gear. US manufacturing is now about 10% of
the economy; but in the 70's it was only 20%. US stuff has been made
overseas for decades.
Probably every piece of electronics you own is Chinese made. Their
electronic tech is exquisitely good -- cutting edge foundries and processes
and quality. Nothing requires more interlocking skilled industry than that
The crap we get is because AMERICAN BUSINESSES are SPECIFYING that parts be
"good enough" and COST. Of course the Chinese will gladly make it for them.
The old days are over and AMERICANS did this.
I mean seriously, does anyone think that Standard, or whatever parts maker,
is not CHOOSING junk parts to sell you ON PURPOSE? It's not like the Chinese
are blackmailing anyone --
-- Americans like us kept demanding "lower cost" without stopping to think
that the bottom might fall out of quality!
Blame WALMART for that mentality. I've never bought anything from them and
never will.
I now regularly use a phrase I never even thought of before -- "This didn't
cost enough!" Seriously, when you pay $5 for a new pair sneakers,
something's wrong. Someone is not getting paid, some waste is getting dumped
in a river, etc.
I'm hardly rich. I work 60% hours due to cutbacks. But I like to buy a tool
ONCE and have it last, not a shiny one in a package every year. And I won't
willingly buy crap that gaurentees some worker is not getting paid -- and
yes the Chinese environment allows for ruinous explloitation of people and
their environment that we can't do here.
The chinese government is largely horrible to me, I'll grant that they have
problems to solve we can't even imagine but there's not excuse for it's
But please, distinguish between Chinese PEOPLE and GOVERNMENT, at least. If
racist crap becomes tolerable on this list I'm out of here.
"Buy American" is a joke because there's little manufacturing here, and the
reality is now, for better and worse, that the world is an interlocking
place of many cultures.
Flame on -- I'm done.

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