> From: MagicGaliquogi@xxxx > Subject: Email addy > > I am changing my email addy.. it will be SadLittleClown2@xxxxx > > Rebecca > > Ha, ha, Rebecca, no one could spell your other Email name when you tried to give it out???? ROFL! Ok, sorry, I couldn't resist that... anyway, 2 things...one, what is Galiquogi a reference to? A once-famous clown or magician? and 2, Hotwheels has a Clown series out, and I BELIEVE the Nash Metropolitan car is in it, in a purple color, with the car stretched in front ( was the Metrorail car, still is, I guess. :) ). Don't have one handy to double-check, but I'm sure it is in the Clown series. Just thought I'd pass that along to you. Jerry in almost-snowy Virginia...ok, so it IS snowy! [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]