Well, The progress continues on the '76 Grem motor swap. I got the oil pan swapped and the oil extraction tube switched (or visa verse if your going order). Moved the car up to the motor. I decided to clean out the engine copartment before i put the motor in and then decided to replace the power steering hose that I severed and the transmission cooling tude that I crimped by accident. I thought I could swap them from my other '76. Well, it turns out some one has taken the power steering hoses from the car already, I have no idea were they went. The Tranny coolent tube is practically rusted threw on my parts car so I'll have to buy them both new. I didn't put the motor in because I felt it would be a lot easier to get this stuff in, if the motor were out. Also I notice that my strut arm bussings are shot, I'm supossing that those would also be easier to replace with the motor out. Also, Were in da heck am I gonna find strut arm bussings for a '76 Gremlin? Any body have a source? Kevin