I have had nothing but problems trying to revive my old carbs, if you really want your car to operate correctly, a professionally rebuilt unit will be the way to go. I bought a rebuilt unit for a '74 CJ for my '74 Gremlin, a one barrel, I had to spend an extra $7 at the speed shop for a linkage nipple to make it work as the original, but other than that, I only paid $87, 16 refund for the core, total $61 plus the $7 nipple. So, you can take your chances either way, the new carb could have problems, too. But, I think if you want a more permanent solution, get a new one, you can return it for a refund if it has problems. :) Just my .03 worth. Jerry in Virginia 8 Gremlin, the dang '78 GT still won't run on a used carb ( tried 3 so far...)