are there truly enough people available to purchase one, and do you have enough staff to make it happen? The Pacer list has a few hundred, the Gremlintime and AMCGremlin lists on Yahoo have about 200 combined, but some of those are repeats ( me being one ), and the main AMC list has/had about 1,000 at one time, which I'm sure some are repeats as well. So, can you survive on a subscription base of around 1,000 or so, assuming all Internet list subscribers DO subscribe? I'm not knocking your dream, Freddie, but 1,000 is a VERY small base to work from! And trying to get real life people to even join a local club is a headache, and a darn near impossibility, much less asking for money for a mag. Most people ( like us, multiple AMC're catching me, I have 7 Gremlins at the moment, Freddie! ) just don't have the devotion and dedication to devote time and space to these cars, they may only own one, and love it, but that's as far as it goes. I'd love to see a full-color AMC magazine, but doubt a monthly or bi-monthly could survive...maybe if you did an Annual issue, see what the interest level is, then go from there. Not sure how Frank Swagart's AIM online? mag is doing, might want to ask him ( he's on the main list ), to see how much work, and how much "profit" ( HA! HA! HA! ) there is to it. I"m sure it's a labor of love, but I have hardly any time to put into my local club and newsletter, much less a broader one! I wish you luck with your dream, but I think it's a much bigger pill to swallow than you realize. If you were able to do like an AMC centerfold issue, having LOTS of sweet pictures of cars, and some Tech articles, etc, you might be able to turn a nice profit on an Annual issue. Maybe this is a symptom of AMCism, but I used to buy a mag called Autobuff years ago, it was a car/men's magazine, the girls were sometimes topless. It had a HUGE following for awhile, 'til the bluenoses got involved, the editor had to put halters on the girls, and the whole thing died, as the mag wasn't very good technically, but it did have nice cars and photo shots of women! One thing I noticed, in Readers Rides, were there ALOT of AMC readers sending in their car photos! LOL. Might just be a coincidence, or not, but I thought I'd never seen so many AMC cars before in a car mag, and this is before I even owned one and really knew what they were. Early '80's era, it was. My first AMC I purchased was in '94. Anyway, if you can "spice it up" some, maybe it'd sell to a larger crowd...and maybe we could get Jeni " The Pacer Girl" and Javlynn Sue " Gremlin Queen " to pose modestly for your new mag! :D Just a thought... Jerry , who'd love to buy an all-AMC mag ...